Chapter 24

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Day five

I awoke in a huge bedroom with a luxury taste to it. My bed and covers were very comfortable and soft. Softer than anything in the world. My body felt clean and fresh for once and my hair was pinned on the top of my head.

I got up out of the bed and noticed that I was dressed in a long cream colored nightgown. I touched the soft silk and immediately fell in love with it. What is this place and is it a dream?

I ran to the window and saw the view.  The front yard was absolutely amazing. I saw a few gardeners tending to the flowers and the yard. I couldn't get enough of it, but I did notice that there was a brick wall going around the entire place with a huge iron gate which had two guards at it.

I heard the door open behind me and I saw a woman dressed in a long black dress with a long with apron wrapped around her skinny waist. She had her hands rested on her lap as she shut the door behind her. "Master Charles is waiting for you in the dining hall Ms. Kathy." She opened the door and waited patiently.

"Kathy? Thats not my name miss." I said, realizing that this was still a nightmare. "That's what Master calls you. Now let's not keep him waiting."

"Where are my sisters? Are they safe?"

"Your sisters are safe and sound Ms. Kathy." She said as I walked past her and stepped into the grand hallway. We walked down the hall and down the grand staircase. I saw plenty of maids and butlers walking around as we made our way to the dining room.

There he was, sitting at the large grand table in his silk pajamas which matched with mines. The table was filled with many plates but no people. Behind him was a grand white piano and a few instruments. I walked into the hall and sat down across from him. He glanced up at me with those same eyes just they didn't seem to have hatred in them.

They were warm and gentle. He smiled at me and pulled out a chair next to him, "Why don't you sit here my love?" The calmness of his voice sort of scared me. Why was he being so nice all of a sudden? What changed?

I'm still questioning where we are and who's house is this? It most certainly isn't his.. Is it?

I stood up and made my way around the table and sat next to him as he pulled the chair out for me. "Thank you." As he sat back down, he grasped my hand and kissed it. "You look so beautiful this morning." I could feel my face burning but I didn't know why.

"Where are my sisters? I want to see them."

"They are playing in their rooms, my love. After they had their breakfast, they went directly back to the toys." He chuckled and took a sip of orange juice from his tall glass. "Where are we?"

"My mansion. I owe this place and now it is your home. I wasn't playing around when I said I could give you luxury." My eyes went wide as the words flew out of his mouth. HIS HOUSE?!

It's impossible! What happened to the shed and all of the drunk nights? This isn't the man who beat me at all. This man sitting next to is classy and elegant. "Charles?"

"Yes? What ever do you need?"

"What can we do here?"

"Live life my darling. There are no rules here. Just don't go onto the east side of the stairs and you cannot go into the basement. It's off limits to you and your sisters. If you need me, my room is right across the hall from you. "

I nodded and took a sip from the glass. It felt good to actually get something nice for once. I wasn't even hungry, I just wanted to explore this place a bit more. "Can I go out back?"

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