Chapter 16

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I woke up to 6 missed calls from Jamal. I really didn't feel like answering him right now.

From that little stunt he pulled last night, he can just lose my whole number. I deleted his number and cleared out our messages. I rolled over and started to think about that kiss I had with Marko.

It was very sweet and good. I would actually like another one right now. But enough of that.

I got up and stretched then looked outside my window. It was bright and sunny but a little breeze was in the air. Today was the day when I would have to run to the store for my mother since it wasn't that far.

But she wouldn't want that to happen until later on in the day. So I decided to go downstairs and see if Mamma had her famous breakfast out.

And as always, she did. Grits, pancakes, bacon, eggs, and sausage were sitting on the table. Alex and Crissy were already eating while Mamma was making her plate.

"Dang, y'all already eating and didn't call me?" Mamma looked back and handed me a plate already made. "You were in a deep sleep. Have fun last night?"

I took the plate and thought about the events from last night, " Yeah it was alright." She gave me a concerned look as I went to sit down.

I put a pancake into my mouth as my mother sat across from me. Alex was done and ran off into their room as Crissy followed. "I might be old Kat, but I know when something is wrong."

I looked at her and sighed, "Jamal had spazzed out on someone because they were talking to me."

"I'm sure he didn't mean no harm."

"Yeah, but it was a bit much."

"Well, talk it out with him."

"I deleted his number. I kinda didn't wanna talk to him. Plus I kinda kissed Marko."

"Lord have mercy, finally."

"Wait what?"

"I was waiting on y'all two for the longest."

I shook my head and ate my bacon." So you were shipping me and Marko all this time?"

"Yes. I really wasn't a fan of Jamal. Something's off with that boy. He reminds me of someone I used to know."

"Hmm, well when did you want me to run to the store?"

"Around 4, it gets dark at 6 so I want you back by then." Usually, I would run errands for her when her car was acting up. "Ok."

"Let me make a list.", she said while getting up to go get a pen and paper. I finished up my food and put my plate in the sink.

My mother was making her list while I heard my phone ringing upstairs. I ran up the steps and grabbed it. It was a call from an unknown number.

" Hello?"

"Kat. I've been trying to reach you all morning." It was Jamal and I was about to hang up.

"What do you want?"

"I have to tell you something but it can't be over the phone. Promise me that you will stay in the house."

"What? Your not making any sense."

"Just trust me and stay indoors. Don't leave the house at all."

"And why should I believe you?"

"I really don't know why bu-"

"Hello?" I took the phone from my ear and the call had ended. I rolled my eyes and put my phone down. Probably just wants to mess with me.

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