Chapter 28

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Day seven

I sat up in my bed and rubbed the side of my head. I must've blacked out once again, I seem to do that crap a lot. I saw the pen and pad sitting on the edge of my bed and reached over to grab it.

I placed them on the nightstand and noticed a glass of water and a pill. I decided not to take it and stood up out of my bed. My head ticked and tocked like I was in some sort of trance. I could feel my knees giving out a bit as I steadied myself on the wall.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I could see my home and school, all of my friends, and...

M-my mother...

I cried at the sight of her inside of my head. I could see her smiling at me and laughing. I remember...

I hurried up and grabbed the pen and pad and wrote down everything I knew from back when I was in school to now. At least if I somehow forget, I can look at this.

~My kidnapper
~Jamal's father
~Has a lot of files on me and other girls at school
~Has a lot of medical files
~Has control over a town
~ Loves to be in control

~Charles son
~Knew the past girls
~Does his father's bidding
~Gets paid in drugs (steroids)

The only two people I had on this list were Jamal and Charles. I needed to figure out what the hell is making me lose myself and-

I just found my answer.

In big bold letters I wrote:


This mystery ass drug is making me lose myself and be with Charles as his obedient young lady. I rushed out of the room and ran down the steps just to bump into Jamal. I fell back onto the cold marble floor and glanced up. He was just standing there, with no facial expression whatsoever. He looked dead in the face.

His hand came down and reached out to me. I hesitate to grab it then gave in. He pulled me up and leaned down to my ear. "He's expecting you." He said with no reality in his voice. He nodded his head to the door behind him and I brushed past him.

Suddenly, he grabbed my arm and I was about to slap him until he grabbed my other arm. "Can we talk after this?"

"We don't have a lick of shit to talk about," I said, spitting in his face. He wiped his face and let me go. I went into the room and saw Charles and two other men standing off to the side.

"You asked for me?" I said as sweet as I could. All three of them turned around and my heart dropped. One of the men was the same guy who grabbed me at my sister's school. A smirk spread across his face as he knew I recognized him. "Yes, I did. Come a bit closer, my dear." He stuck his hand out, signaling me to come closer. I walked up to him and he put his arm around me. "You already met one of my sons, Jamal. These are my other two boys, Trey and Reggie."

"Nice to meet you princess," Trey said to me. He winked at me while the other one, Reggie, just stood there, undressing me with his eyes.

Charles kissed my cheek and removed his arm from my waist. My blood ran cold as Trey reached out and ran his long fingers up my arm. "She's a cute one Pops."

"Isn't she?" Charles said, taking a step back to admire me like I was some sort of trophy. "She was a feisty one to get into the car though. Reggie here was about to quit." Trey elbowed Reggie in his side and all of the men crackled.

"I should hurt you both for the slip-ups. You know I don't tolerate it." Charles in a stern voice.

I caught Trey staring at me and it was making me uneasy. It was like he was studying me like he knew something was wrong. " Is something the matter?" Charles said, glancing at me and back at his son.

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