Chapter 17

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~Day 1~


"Kat wake up."

"Please don't be dead."

My head was throbbing and my hearing was faint. I slowly opened my eyes to see Alex on top of me, crying. I slowly turned my head to the side to see Crissy crying as well.

"Why are you crying?", I said, my voice raspy and dry. I put my hand onto Crissy's cheek and she stopped sobbing. I sat up and took a good look around.

The room was cold and dim. There was only one light in the middle of the room. Boxes were scattered all around and there was a small window which was boarded up.

I looked behind me to see a set of stairs leading up to a door. I tried to stand up and remember what exactly happened in the last couple of hours.

Alex and Crissy were now crying together and I hugged them both, " Hey now. It's alright, I'll figure this out." I had to get them to calm down because I wouldn't be able to focus.

That's when it hit me. I remembered everything. Someone took me and my sisters. The thought of being snatched burned into my head and I almost shed a few tears. I couldn't let my sisters see me breakdown.

Not now at least.

I put my finger up to my lips and they nodded. I looked around to see that the window was boarded uptight and I needed so type of tool to get them off.

I started looking in the boxes and saw that it had nothing but junk in them. I saw an old toolbox and opened it up. To my surprise, a rusty hammer was in the box. I grabbed it out and used the backside to try and pull off the nails.

I pulled two nails out but the rest were in too good. Like they were drilled in. Just then, I heard footsteps upstairs. The floorboards started to creak and crack. I looked up and put the hammer behind me.

The door at the top of the steps swung open and a tall figure stood there. He didn't move at all and I really couldn't see him since we were so close by the window. He took one step down then another.

He was coming down the steps and I pushed Alex and Crissy behind me. He stood on the other side of the basement, not saying a word.

"You're wasting your time with that window. Drilled it shut for a reason.", his voice boomed. Crissy started to shake and Alex grabbed a hold of my jacket.

"Where are my manners?" He stepped into the light and that's when I got a good look at him.

He had dark skin, a low cut and a huge ring on his finger. His face held nothing but seriousness and the more I look at him, the more familiar he looks. "The name is Charles. That's all you need to know and that's all you get to know." I gulped at this man then he started to laugh. His laugh made us jump and he walked a bit closer. "Now you know my name, tell me yours beautiful." He touched my hair then led his finger down my neck and across my collarbone.

I was too terrified to speak. I couldn't even fix myself to even pronounce my name. "It's ok sweetie. No one will hurt you." He looked into my eyes and said his words like he actually cared.

I gripped the hammer and hit him across the head with it in one swing. He fell back and I rushed my sisters up the stairs and locked the door behind us.

The house wasn't that great either. Dim lights and everything was old and worn out. I heard thunder outside and ran into the kitchen. Old dishes hung on the rack and I saw a back door. I ran towards it and tried to open it up. It wouldn't budge at all.

"Come on you stupid door!" It was clear that this door wasn't gonna open. I grabbed my sisters' hands and we ran back into the other room. I took them to the living room and saw the front door. I ran towards it and opened it. It opened and we ran outside into the rain.

I could barely see with the downpour. I held their hands and ran out into the street. We were in the middle of nowhere. I saw a truck and pulled on the door. To my surprise, it was already opened. I put Alex and Crissy in the front and I hopped into the driver's seat.

I looked up to make sure that he wasn't coming and the coast was clear. I saw that there weren't any keys in the ignition and frantically looked around for them.

I flipped down the mirror and they fell into my lap. I hurried up and put them into the ignition and twisted it. The truck did not want to start. "Please start. Please start.", I said over and over.

Finally, the truck started and I looked to my left and there he was. I screamed and he punched through the glass and grabbed my throat. I pressed on the gas and the truck took off. He couldn't hold on and fell off from the truck.

I looked in the rearview mirror to see him staring at me. I zoomed down the street that looked like it was endless. Nothing was around but trees. I sped down the street and started to think about Mamma.

She was probably worried sick. I need to get home and fast but I don't even have a clue to where we are. The drive was long and I haven't seen another car for hours.

Suddenly, I saw a pharmacy in the distance. Maybe someone was there and they could help me. I pulled into the parking lot and parked the truck.

"Listen you two, stay in here. I'll be right back. Lock the doors and don't let anyone in." Alex grabbed my arm and cried, "Kat please don't leave us! Im scared."

I kissed her forehead and hugged her tight, "I won't let anything happen to you." I locked the doors and stepped out of the truck. I ran into the pharmacy and there was a lady behind the counter.

"Ma'am please help me.", I said to her while running to the counter. She looked up and pushed her glasses up her nose. " What can I help you with?"

"I don't know where I am and what this place is. Please just call the cops.", I said in a panic. The lady nodded her head and went to the back. I felt relieved as the cops would be here any minute. "They should be here any minute! Just relax my dear!", the woman yelled from the back.

" Thank you!"

I laid my head down on the counter and heard the bell ding on the door, signaling that someone has just walked in. I lifted my head up and whoever just walked in grabbed me from behind and choked me up.

"Thought you could get away that easily?" My eyes went wide as the woman came out the back and crossed her arms. "Next time, I won't call you."

I was shocked. This woman was working with him. I felt a pinch in my neck and started to get dizzy. My vision faded and I passed out onto the floor.


G.E.M out!

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