Chapter 19

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A tear rolled down the side of my face as she ignited the lighter and held it towards my skin. "P-please don't." I sobbed as she brought it closer to my side. I could feel the heat coming from it and I cried out for help. Even if help didn't come, at least I tried.

The door busted open and the man was standing there. She blew out the flame and he was angry. I've never seen a man get so upset before.

He rushed over and threw her out of the chair. She flew back into the floor and he slapped her as hard as he could.

"DIDN'T I TELL YOU NOT TO DO ANYTHING STUPID?!" His voice boomed and sounded off of the walls. She was now crying and trying to stand up. Once she actually could get on her feet, he slapped her down again. "If I tell you to do something damnit then it means to do it!" He pulled her out of the room by her long hair and I could hear screaming down the hallway.

More tears rolled down my cheeks as I struggled to get out of these chains. I wanted nothing more but to be free from this fucking nightmare. The doorknob twisted and I instantly stopped struggling.

He entered with a more sincere look on his face. He rushed by my side and looked up and down my body, checking for a burn mark or any other bruises.

"Did she hurt you?", he asked while still examining my body. I shook my head and he did a sigh of relief. Why was he so relieved that she didn't hurt me?

He kissed my forehead and released the chains from my feet. My feet felt so much better now that I could actually move them. He then unchained my hands and stood up. "I'm only doing this so you can see your sisters. They are right across the hall. Don't try anything slick or else.", he explained.

I nodded and he walked out of the room. Once the door closed, I jumped up and peeked outside the door. The hall was dark and eerie; there wasn't any lighting except for two dim lights that were about to blow.

To the right were a pair of steps leading downstairs and to the left were a few more rooms. I stepped out into the cold hallway, looking both ways before going anywhere. I walked across the way and twisted the doorknob to the other room.

When it opened, I noticed that this room had a bit of a child's liking to it. The pretty pink wallpaper was now old and peeling off the wall, the stuffed bears were covered with dust, and the bed had old covers on it with stains.

My sisters were chained ankle to ankle but their hands were free. They were hugging each other while shivering in this cold room. I walked over and reached out to touch Crissy.

She jumped and slowly turned around. When she realized that I was me, I saw a glow in her eyes.

" KAT!" She jumped into my arms and I hugged her back. Alex looked up and jumped into my arms as well. I could hear both of them start to cry as I rocked them.

"Kat...I miss Mamma and I miss home.", Alex said while wiping her eyes. I noticed that Alex had a few burn marks on her arm and so did Crissy. I grabbed her arm and rubbed my finger across the mark. "Who did this to you?"

"That lady. She had long hair and a black sweater.", Crissy said while rubbing her own arm. My blood started to boil as I realized the woman who tried to burn me has brought pain to my siblings. " Kat when can we leave?",Alex asked.

"Soon. But right now w-" My words were cut off from the door opening behind me. I froze while my sisters hid behind my body. I slowly turned back and he was standing there.

"I just love it when the whole family comes together.", he said while putting a smile on his face.

"She hurt them...", I said in a low voice. "What?"

"I said, she hurt them. She burned my sisters with her lighter!", I yelled at him. He nodded and popped his knuckles, "She won't do it again."

He walked towards the bed and sat down at the foot of it. He rubbed the covers and looked back at us. "No harm will come to you as long as you follow my rules. You do as your told and you will be rewarded. If you don't, you will be punished.

My plan was to remove you from your dull lives and give you a sense of luxury but you have to work your way up the food chain."

Well isn't this place luxurious?

"Now let's start over. My name is Charles, what's yours?" He motioned his head at me, waiting for me to speak. I swallowed hard and thought about what to do. "Kat."

"It's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. How about you?" He pointed to Alex and she was a bit started. "Her name is Alexandria and the other one is Christina." At least it wasn't lying all the way. I just told him their middle names.

The only name I would give out is my own. I don't want any harm to go in their direction because of me. I'll carry their scars.

He nodded and clapped his hands together, startling us all. "Well since that's out of the way, we can now move onto the fun part."

"And what's the fun part?", Alex said.

" Making you into finer young women." When he said that, he looked directly at me and smirked.

I don't know what this man has in store for us, but I hope it's over before we know it.

Because my task is pretty simple...

I will escape.


G.E.M out!

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