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He knew Ziva was already awake, even if she was still in the bedroom.

He went to the kitchen and pulled out what he needed to make pancakes.

On a second thought, he got out the strawberry yogurt. Tali really liked his strawberry pancakes, and if today wasn't some kind of weird special occasion, then what was?

He'd barely started mixing ingredients together when Ziva emerged from his bedroom.

Well, there's a sentence he never thought he'd say.

"Sleep well?" he asked. He couldn't help but stare as she ran a hand through her curls.

If anything, the years of separation had only increased his fascination with her.

She shrugged and sat down on one of the island stools.

"Tali should be awake soon. I should probably drop her off at school on the way to NCIS. You're... you're welcome to come along and... and see the place."

Why was he suddenly feeling so awkward?

This was Ziva.

Yeah, that's why.

"It's a nice place," he rambled on. "You wouldn't believe how many schools there are in D.C. I mean, I knew there were a lot, but I never realized just how many there are until I, you know, had to look at them all." He laughed, tried not to cringe at the sound that escaped his mouth. "Only the best for Tali."

Ziva didn't respond, and he didn't think he could bear to turn around and watch her watching him.

"I hope you like strawberry pancakes. They're Tali's favorite. I'd say she has good taste, but I think she gets that from me, and I don't want to toot my own horn. Oh, d*mn."

His sleeve caught on the bag, and flour went everywhere.

And then, perhaps even more jarring, he heard one of his favorite sounds in the world—Ziva trying not to laugh and failing.

He finally turned to face her, flour splashed across his front.

"I think that's supposed to go in the pancake mix," she said, fighting a smile.

"Ah, right. Thanks." He took a pinch from the spilled flour and flicked it at her.

She squawked, darting around the island to retaliate.

Maybe she was pushing it with smashing an egg over his head, but he didn't care.

This was the Ziva he missed.

And this was the Ziva that Tali walked in on, wide eyes uncomprehending the mess the kitchen had become.

"Strawberry pancakes?" Tony asked her. He couldn't keep a straight face.

He grabbed Tali, her protesting as the flour transferred to her pajamas.

"They can be washed, motek. I promise."

Tali continued to frown, her gaze darting back and forth between her parents.

"Alright, alright. Go get dressed for school, and hopefully Aba will have the pancakes done."

"You didn't pick out my clothes," Tali said with a pout.

"Maybe Ima will help you." He set Tali on her feet and gave her a nudge. "Go on."


Ziva's heart pounded in her throat as she followed Tali to her room.


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