Chapter 03

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                 Emotional Blackmail


Fear is the only empowerment a bully needs.


A loud cooing of  birds broke the silence in Iheanyị's compound, the sounds of  flapping wings creating a strange rhythm with the morning breeze and faint voices of children.

"Ọ bụ ngiri m mere ya? What happened to her? Obanma whispered almost in tears.

The little girl had not recovered from the loss of her brother and when she had asked for her mother after being unconscious for mostly part of the weekend , she was told the woman was in the hospital.

Adaugo stuttered with her response terrified that an unsuitable answer would send the little girl back into her convulsive state.

"ọ dịghị he mmere ya *nothing happened to her" Their aunt Agatha promptly replied,inserting her little fair foot into a white socks.

"Will she come back tomorrow?" Her hazel eyes were still glassy and her lips quivered while she spoke.

Agatha saw the sadness that reflected in the eyes of the young girl and was drawn to tears. She had been summoned by her sister but only met her unconscious body being taken to the hospital.

Agatha cleared her throat, her voice breaking from fighting to hold back tears and anger.

Her gaze fell on the pair of expectant eyes, her mind struggling for words and her heart broke even more.

"Amam *I don't know " She truly didn't know her sister's health status.

A soft nod accompanied by more tears and a sniff were the responses she got.

"Go and prepare for school Adaugo, I'll be going to the hospital later, Chijioke does your stomach still hurt?"

Chijioke shook his head, tucking in his white shirt into his quite bogus sky blue shorts. They all went to a public school not too far from their home.

NGWÁ COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, A school that was built by the king of their village.

"Daa please put water into Oba's water bottle" Adaugo quickly made her way to their bathroom after instructing her aunt

She had finished tying the little girl's shoe laces and wiped her tears with the back of her hands. Agatha knew Obanma was too young to deal with what life had thrown her way.

Agatha made her way into the kitchen and extracted one of the two bottles tied together in their cabinet and began to fill the object with water.

Chijioke had finished dressing up, he sat down beside his little sister and held her rubbing her face.

"Ebekwala odo nnu , Don't cry again!"
Obanma looked at her brother and gave a somewhat strained smile, holding back tears.

Daa Agatha came out with food which placed on the table in front of the children and urged them to eat, she quickly extracted the items with which they would be heading to school and placed them on the table one after the other.

The last item made the two children who were murmuring suddenly quiet.

It had been their late brother's water bottle

Obanma's hand shook as the events of that morning replayed in her head.

The way her brother had laid lifeless in front of them. The blood that wouldn't stop seeping from his head.

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