4. A New Beginning

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Air hostess: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Los Angeles International Airport. We have now safely landed. Local time is 10:00 am and the temperature outside is 20 degrees. On behalf of Turkish Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip. Have a nice day!"

The plane had landed at LAX. Bihter looked through the window and nostalgia hit her. She had spent such a happy time in this beautiful city. As she rose and left the plane along other passengers, she found courage build up in her. The moment she stepped out, she felt like she was born again. Excitement, motivation and fear, she could feel it all.

Bihter: "Let's do this!" she whispered to herself as she put a hand on her tummy, trying to feel her baby.
She got her luggage and walked out of the airport towards the parking where here college friend Alison waited for her.
Alice: "Bihter! Over here!!" she waved her hand so Bihter could see her. "How are you, honey?" Alice proceeded to hug her dear friend.
Bihter: "Well, I have been better." she said jokingly.
Alice: "There's lots to catch up but for now get in the car. Lets get you home, it must have been a long and tiring flight."
Bihter: "Oh, don't even ask! I could really just crash right here, my whole body aches. I don't know how people handle pregnancies so easily?! I feel so drained.." she rested herself on the passenger seat while Alison drove.
Alice: "Oh it's gonna be one long ride, hun! But in the end, when you'll hold your little baby in your arms, all the pain will wear off" she said with excitement.
Bihter: "To be honest, that's all I need right now.. for the pain to go away, all of it. Just disappear.." she let out as she closed her eyes.
Alison: "You've been through a lot.. just at this age.. you're only 26.. I wish you never went back to Istanbul.."
Bihter: "Yeah, well.. It's all the result of my own decisions, there's no one else to blame.."
Alison: "Oh stop with that! I have met your mom. If I lived with her, I would have gone full crazy the very first day. It's not your fault. Anyone would have taken the decisions you took. I mean, at the time, it must have felt like the right thing to do.. Don't punish yourself over it.. I mean, we are all humans, right? Mistakes are bound to happen." she said while taking Bihter's hand to assure her she was not alone anymore.
Bihter: "Yeah, well, if only I wasn't so stupid to actually believe Behlul's false promises.."
Alison: "You fell in love.. I mean you guys lived in the same damn house, you were the same age, it was practically inevitable.. It's natural. You just shouldn't have married that old perv. He took advantage of you in the time you were most vulnerable! How could he ask to marry you just a few weeks after your dad had died?! I wish I was there to stop you.."
Bihter: "Yeah, I wish you were there! I needed someone to understand what I was going through.. I thought Adnan was the person who would get me but marrying him made it all even worse than it actually was.."
Alice: "Sweets, forget about it, alright? It's all in the past, you survived through it and that's all that matters. You took the right step and now all you need think about is keeping yourself and your baby healthy. Everything will turn out to be the way you wanted." she smiled to make Bihter feel better.

Bihter spent the next few weeks at Alice's place, figuring everything out and settling down. They started looking for jobs and apartments. Bihter dropped her CV at different places hoping for an interview. She had a degree in Fashion & Textile Design, and also had an amazing sense of fashion and lots of experience in the fashion world while living in the high society of Istanbul. She had also operated as CEO of a non profit organisation in Istanbul, so she had good management skills too, making her a perfect fit for any fashion powerhouse in LA!

Meanwhile, she started therapy to relieve herself of the past trauma; she had bottled up so many emotions since childhood and the only way to move forward was to address those emotions. Things were working out for her, she started catching up with old friends, finally living like she should have; to the fullest. She also got a call back from many different firms in hopes to hire her. She took up the best offer she could get and joined them the very next day.

Everyone loved her from the first day as she managed to impress them with her skills. She got a decent job with a great package and insurance, and eventually also managed to find a studio apartment at a very good deal so everything was working out. Bihter Yöreoglü was finally on the right track!

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