🖤1-A finding out about Shouta Aizawa's Child Sibling🖤

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~3rd Pov~

How did 1-A find out about you? Well... here's how it happened...

Shota stayed at his parent's house last night, why? To see his little siblin\ of course! He woke up early and got ready to go to U.A high school to teach his class and hope the League of villains doesn't crash in. He takes a shower, puts his hero outfit on and wakes up Y/N and says "Bye Y/N, I have to go to work now.", "Can't you stay longerrrrrr?" You whine, "Heh, sorry sweetie but I can't.", He kisses you on the forehead and went to the toilet. You didn't want him to leave! After all, you barely see him and you want him to play with you but him going to the toilet, you see your chance. You quietly ran into the living room and saw Shouta's duffle bag he uses for work. You're eyes light up, "Perfect.." You whisper. You hear the toilet flush and you hurriedly jumped into the duffle bag and closed the zipped from the inside. After a few second Shouta came out and picked up his duffle bag. You covered your mouth before you could squeal from surprise."BYE MOM, DAD AND Y/N" He yells out. "I thought I left this open..." he then whispered looking at the duffle bag before walking out the door to go teach.

The ride was bumpy but it was finally over. It was a few minutes after Y/N were set down next to the podium in front of the 1-A classroom. Y/N felt a sudden urge to cough, she tried to hold it back but she couldn't. Y/N started coughing but stopped, being completely fine afterwards. Everyone looks at the bag, confused... 

Aizawa facepalmed in his head, now knowing you were inside there. he walked over to the duffle bag and zipped it open. You jumped out straight to him, hugging him tightly. He gave you a stern look, "Y/N... Why are you here?" he asked, tiredly. "Uhhh..." You couldn't think of anything to say so now were looking like the Pikachu meme. "W-Who is Y/N?" Mina asks. You jumped, totally not realising that there were other people in the room. You, already latched onto Aizawa, he stood up and put you in his teacher desk in the front left corner of the room. "That is my little sibling, Y/N..." Aizawa explained. "Why are they here?" Denki questioned, "They snuck in his bag you fucking idiot!" Bakugou yelled. You turn your head slightly and repeated a word. "fuck... ing? what does that mean?". Everyone had a look of 'Oh shit'. "It's a bad word that you should NEVER say again!" Aizawa lectured. "Ohhh, but wouldn't that make him a bad boy?" Y/N pointed to Bakuhoe. "Tch, Don't say that like I'm a dog," Bakugou mumbled under his breath. Aizawa nodded. "Oh! Oh! Can I chose his punishment!!! PLEASE! PLEASE!" She begs, "Fine...". Bakugou just looked up looking at the smirking toddler wondering what the fuck she would make him do. "OKayyyyy, after school you have toooo... BUY ME ICE-CREAM!!!" she shouted standing onto the desk. Aizawa picked up Y/N and put her back into the office chair and Bakugou Tch'd, again.

The rest of the day went by great! Y/N ended up drawing pictures of Aizawa and the class. Y/N took a liking to Bakugou and even ended up sitting on his lap for a bit and Bakugou didn't mind too much as Y/N was pretty cool if I do say so myself 😎 After hanging up the pictures on the blackboard, lunch came along and Aizawa brang Y/N to the staff room to eat some of Luch Rush's yummy cooking! You talked to Midnight a lot while braiding Uncle Present Mic's long hair, who's you already met many times before! and at the end of the day, Bakugou did take you out to go get ice-cream!

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