👨‍👨‍👧‍👦Replaced, Erasermic family's child/child sibling👨‍👨‍👧‍👦

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(I do not think these things about Eri!!! And it pained me to write this... And yes, I do ship Monoshin, fight me)

Your life was perfect, You got attention from your brother and two dads all the time! They always spent time with you and all that cute stuff! That was until your dads adopted another child... Eri... Once they adopted her they stopped paying attention to you and only her... Not to mention that you had to share everything with her. Your room, Clothes and even toys!!!


"Kids! Get ready! We're going to U.A!!! And we're taking you guys with us today, just like we said we would yesterday!!!" PresentDad said to us all. Dadzawa and Presentdad came in to help me and that other girl, I mean Eri. "What dress do you want Eri-Chan?" Presentdad asked Eri as she picked out my favourite dress I was going to wear, "T-This one???" She asked. I got angry as that's MY dress! It's the one big brother Shinsou got me! I took it out of her hands, "No! I was going to wear this! It's my favourite dress so you can't have it!!!" My face was as red as a tomato. Dadzawa bent down and put one of his hands on my shoulder, "Y/n, You have to share, and you don't force things out of people's hands. Plus, you only want it because Eri picked it first right? You can wear something else." He pats my head and took back the dress and gave it to that thing... I was planning to wear that today since I heard we were going to U.A! And now I can't because of some stupid girl!!! They got her ready and walked out holding both of her hands... Totally forgetting about me... I grabbed denim shorts and a cool black t-shirt with a dark grey image on it, I looked cool and stuff but not as cute as I wanted to look like and it's all Eri's fault!!!

We were finally at U.A!!! I've been here before a few times and all the students loved me! Now I'll finally get attention!!! Yay! I can't wait!!!

I got out the car with my parents and brother and that girl who's apparently apart of our family now... We said goodbye to Presentdad and Shinsou as we parted from them and we walked into class, I walked in after Dadzawa before Eri and everyone greeted me and some hugged me but then Eri walked in and everything was ruined. They all fawned over her asking questions, saying that she's cute and telling her stories and all that stuff they would do with me! I sat down on Dadzawa's desk in the corner of the room and started to draw a picture of Dadzawa, Presentdad, Shinsou and I, a perfect life without Eri. It brang back memories from the good old days when my life was perfect and when I wasn't replaced by that brat.

After a couple of minutes, Aizawa told everyone to settle down and took Eri and asked me to go sit somewhere else so Eri could sit at his desk since she'd feel more comfortable. I couldn't say no because even if I did he would just make me do it so I honestly didn't even have a choice. I sat down in the opposite corner of the room as I saw Eri just playing around with herself. She came down to over where I was and asked if she could use my art supplies since she forgot to use her own. I just shoved it in her hands while taking the picture I've already drawn and stuffed it in my denim shorts pocket and went up to Dadzawa.

I pulled on his shirt and waited for an answer, "Yes Y/n?" he asked, "M-May I go to the bathroom?" I asked. He patted my head and said "Sure" After I heard that answer I left the classroom. To be completely honest, I wasn't going to the bathroom, I was going to my older brother's boyfriend's class, Aka Neito Monoma's class! Since I would sometimes come to U.A with my dads before all the teachers and the hero course and Shinsou's course students all knew me! I opened the back door to class 1-b and went to Neito and sat on his lap.

"Y/n, What are you doing here?" Neito asked, "Everyone is paying attention to Eri and isn't paying any attention to me..." I whispered in his ear so no one else could hear, He nodded and patted my head."Hey, Vlad! Can Y/n stay in class with us? I promise I won't get distracted." He said, interrupting his class even more. "Sure, but pay attention! It's not my fault if you don't listen and get bad grades!" Mr Vlad King said as I and Neito smiled at each other knowing I could stay in here. I bet class 1-a doesn't even notice I'm gone... They're probably fawning over Eri more...

After a few minutes of being in class 1-b, everyone wasn't paying attention to class anymore and was paying attention to me! We all moved the tables to the side of the classroom and sat in a circle playing truth or dare! Mr Vlad King said we could continue doing this all day if we wanted because it'll help students bonding which is good to have in the future or something. I ended up telling them about the Eri situation and they said they'd never replace me!

After a bit it was lunch and we continued to sit in the circle and eat. I frowned hearing my belly rumble, remembering that I left my food in class 1-a... "Where's your food, Y/n???" Kendou asked. "I left it in class 1-a..." She thought for a second before grabbing her chopsticks and saying "Here, here some of mine!" she smiled. I nodded and had some of her food and it was yummy! The others also told me to have some of their food and after a bit I was full.

We were all having fun and laughing when, Shinsou, Presentdad and half of class 1-a came in, class 1-b all giving them dirty looks because of what I told them. They came up to Monoma, to whose lap I was sitting in and started asking questions about where I was and all that stuff and who they were 'worried' about me. "Bullshit! Ever since that Eri girl came everybody has forgotten me! I wish she was never born!!!" I yelled at them than hearing cries from the door which stood Aizawa comforting a crying Eri. He shook his head at me. I became really mad and ran out of the classroom

~3rd Pov~

Everyone looked shook and most went to comfort Eri expect for the class 1-b kids who just awkwardly sat in the classroom. Monoma went up to his Boyfriend's dad, "Hey Aizawa If you want I can talk to Y/n and she can stay at my house for a bit until she's calmed down." Aizawa put a hand of Monoma's shoulder and sighed "Thank you, that'd be great." He said before carrying sobbing Eri to the teacher's lounge as Monoma went out to go find Y/n.

(Lol, This sucks. I'm sorry you had to read it...)

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