Chapter 39

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I woke up, my head aching. "Aw man, what happened?" I asked, rubbing my head when suddenly two pairs of arms wrapped around me. "Ruby, Sapphire?" I said, opening my eyes to see them both with tears in their eyes. "Opie!" They both cried and kissed me at the same time. "Hey hey, how long was I out?" I asked. "Three days, but you'll be able to go home in about 3 days" Dr Maheswaran said, looking at her clipboard. "Wait a second, I'm in hospital?" I gasped, looking at my bandages hands and felt my head bandaged too. "You took a hard fall" Sapphire explained. "We were so worried!" Ruby said, putting her warm hand on my cheek. "You were scared? I thought I was gonna die, I was terrified!" I laughed. "We have presents for you from everyone" Sapphire smiled, pointing at the pile of cards and presents on a dresser. "Oh my stars, can I open them?" I said with stars in my eyes. "Of course, enjoy your presents" Dr Maheswaran said, going out of the room. I picked up the nearest present with a card attached to it, I recognised Ruby and Sapphire's handwriting on the card. "You must be able to tell who that present and card is from" Ruby said smiling, pointing at the blue and red wrapping. "Aw you shouldn't have" I said, I opened the card and saw a blue and red loveheart with a picture of me inside it. Garnet's writing was below this drawing, it said 'You are forever entwined in our hearts'. The writing inside the card was Ruby and Sapphire's.
Dear Opie,
We were very worried when you fell, Ruby was lying around crying for an hour!
We really hope you can get better soon as Addie and Amethyst may have something going on between them, and we know how much you like to ship people
What? It's true
We hope you like the presents we give you, as they are you favourite colours
Love from Ruby and Sapphire
I chuckled at their adorable bicker in the card and held the card to my heart. I smiled thankfully at them and then started to open the present. It was two rings, blue and red coloured and I immediately put them on my fingers. "Aw you guys! I love you both so much, as well as Garnet!" I said, kissing both of their cheeks. "We knew you'd like them!" Sapphire said happily. "Now, who's next?" I picked up a heart shaped package and opened it. It was a box of Cadbury and Galaxy chocolates, and Amethyst had left a note.
Yo Opal
I really hope ya get better, Addie is feeling really down and I feel sad because of that. She really loves you, along with the rest of us, especially Garnet. I know how much humans like to eat this stuff so y'know, here ya go!
Love from Amethyst
P.S Share those chocolates with me x
I laughed at her P.S and picked up another present, rainbow coloured. It had a rainbow card so I read it.
Dear my beloved Opie,
I reaallly hope you get better soon. We need to rewatch every episode of Under The Knife cause we missed a few! I love youuuuu so much and I can't wait for you to come home
Lots and lots of love from Addie
"Aw, sweet" I smiled, opening my present. It was a drone and it was controlled with a simple button. After lots of presents, I came across one unknown writing.
Dear Opal,
Sorry for pushing you off that injector, I live with the Diamonds now and I'm very happy. I heard you were ill so I decided to give you a special sorry present, just to say I am very sorry. I'm also sorry for calling you Serenity multiple times, I will make sure I call you Opal from now on. Your present may seem confusing, but it is something Serenity gave to me just before the incident. I like to think of it as a sorry present for abandoning me for six thousand years. You see, on Earth Serenity found a special rose, that never died. She put it in my hair and told me it was our undying friendship, never to die how ever far apart we were. I see now she was hinting at my abandonment but that no longer matters. Steven helped me turn it into a 'hair accessory' as you humans call it. I have taken care of it for the past six thousand years, but I am ready to offer you my friendship with this rose, and I want you to keep it because I know I can trust you with it. I want to put the past behind us, so please, if you want to, reply to this letter ASAP (as soon as possible) to accept or reject my friendship. I will not blame you if you reject it since we have already had a rocky start.
I await your response that might happen,
Spinel x
"Aw she wants to make friends" Ruby said, sitting next to me, pulling my arm around her shoulder. I put the rainbow rose in my hair and smiled.

Over the next three days I got many visits, Lapis, Steven and Peridot came on the first day, Pearl, Amethyst and Addie came on the 2nd day, and Garnet stayed with me. The last day I was there was exciting because no more horrible hospital food! But in the morning, I got an unexpected visitor... "Gee, I really hurt ya huh?" Spinel said, rubbing the back of her neck. "Spinel!" I said and flung my arms around her neck, causing her to blush and look surprised. "Hey now, what's with the hug?" Spinel laughed. "I'm glad you're finally happy!" I said. We started talking for a while and by the end of her visit we'd become good friends. Dr Maheswaran came in the room and handed me my discharge papers and I rushed outta that place faster than Sonic, Garnet and Spinel keeping up with me easily. "No more rubbish hospital food!" I cheered as I raced around the beach. "Woah!" I said, almost falling over as Garnet caught me. "Be careful you" Garnet smiled as we both blushed. "Wait don't go in yet-" Spinel stopped as I raced into the house, seeing balloons and cake and a banner saying 'You're The Best Opie!' My mouth dropped as I saw Lapis, Peridot, Bismuth, Steven, Connie, Amethyst, Pearl and Addie looking at me astonished. "Uh..surprise?" Peridot questioned. "You guys!" I embraced them all into a warm group hug. "Sorry guys, she was too fast" Spinel smiled, coming in the door with Garnet.

After the party, me, Addie, Amethyst, Pearl, Steven and Garnet sat down on the beach and looked up at the stars. I sat between Garnet's legs with my head resting on her chest, Amethyst stroking Addie's hair as Addie laid on Amethyst's lap. "These are gonna be the best years of our lives" I smiled, looking up at the stars. "Aw you are right cutie" Garnet smiled and kissed the back of my head.

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