Chapter 47

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I came into the house the same time as Steven as there was another welcome party for another gem. "Opie!" Addie smiled, jumping over to me and hugging me. "Hey lil sis, have you gotten smaller?" I joked. "No silly, you've gotten bigger!" Addie smiled. "Yo dude, come over here and introduce yourself!" Amethyst said. "Well well well, if it ain't the old gem saviours themselves, Steven Universe and Opal Diamond! Bluebird, at your service!" Bluebird said as Steven and I looked at each other in shock, realising Bluebird was a fusion of Aquamarine and Eyeball. "Alright, give us a hug then!" Bluebird smiled, hugging me and Steven. "Oh thanks!" I hugged her back. "Oh! You like food, yeah?" Bluebird said. "Immensely" I smiled. "Yeah?" Steven said. "We'll sit tight then, I'll be right back!" Bluebird said. "What?!" Steven And I gasped together. "Yeah she just got here! And is already exploring Earth!" Pearl said. "What is this?" I asked. "Oh just some old Earth stuff. Clams, peanut butter and some freshly cut grass. Please enjoy it, I'm begging you, please!" Bluebird said. "Gosh guys, don't make her beg" Amethyst said. "Uh, I'm actually allergic to nuts so I'll have to pass" I backed up. "Oh alright then! Steven?" Bluebird asked. "Sure!" Steven smiled, taking the grass and dipping it in the peanut butter. "Is it good?" Bluebird asked. "Yeah it's great" Steven said. "Brilliant" Bluebird laughed. "Can I see you guys in the bathroom?" Steven asked.

"Don't panic, I think Bluebird is a fusion of Aquamarine and Eyeball" Steven said as I sat on Garnet's  lap. "Well I thought it was pretty damn obvious" I crossed my arms. "Well duh!" Amethyst said. "It's pretty obvious" Garnet backed me up, putting her arms around my waist. "What? How come you're all so calm about this? Did you all forget that Aquamarine kidnapped me? How about the fact Eyeball tried to stab me and tatted me out on trial? They hate me!" Steven said. "Peridot basically did the same thing, and look who helped her come into the Crystal Gems" I said. "That was them, this is Bluebird" Garnet said. "But she pranked me earlier today, she put a sign on my back that said I smell good, switched my juice with tomato soup, neatly stacked toilet paper on top of my car?" Steven questioned himself as Addie and I burst out laughing. "Oh what a crime!" I laughed. "None of that stuff sounds particularly malicious" Pearl said. "Besides, don't you like tomato soup?" Amethyst asked. "Yeah, But isn't it convenient just showed up here at my house?" Steven asked. "Steven, you've literally invited all problematic gems across the universe to learn a better way of living" I said. "Right" Steven said. "Listen Stewball, if you don't want this gem around, that's totally fair" Greg said. "No, you guys are right. Everyone deserves a chance to change" Steven said. "Don't worry, if she tries anything, we'll be there to squash her!" Garnet smiled, putting her arm around me. "Yeah we'll beat her into the ground!" Addie roared. "Amethyst! What have you been teaching her?" I asked as Amethyst rubbed her neck, awkwardly smiling. "Thanks guys" Steven said. "Bluebird, what's up?" I smiled. "Steven Universe, I'm sorry, I gave you all that food without something to wash it down with" Bluebird said, handing Steven a apple juice. "Okay thank you-" Steven started as he opened the van and the apple juice exploded all over him. I suddenly looked at Addie, who had tears in her eyes. We both knew what she was thinking of.
Addie POV
"Here Ads, drink this" ??? handed me a drink. "Really? And drink all your backwash?" I smiled. "There's no backwash, it's completely new from CO-OP" ??? said, put her hand on mine. "Okay then, I'm trusting you here" I smiled, opening the van and the juice exploded all over me. "Ahaha! You fell for it!" ??? laughed. "I hate you" I said cross. "Love you too Bugaboo" ??? said. "Don't go all Miraculous on me" I wrestled with her.
Opal POV
Steven looked kinda angry with Bluebird. "Cough cough chance to change cough cough" Garnet said. "You obviously shook it by accident" Steven said. I walked out of my room and saw Bluebird with a knife behind Pearl. "Pearl! Bluebird's got a knife!" Steven and I yelled. "How else are we going to cut this cake she made for you two?" Pearl asked. "Surprise!" Bluebird smiled.

Steven and I walked up to see Bluebird pinning Garnet down to the floor. "Bluebird's got Garnet pinned! Let Garnet go right now!" Steven yelled as I clenched my fists. "Hey babe and Steven, Bluebird was helping me do some stretching before diving into a bit of some fast yoga" Garnet said. "It's very important to stretch!" Bluebird smiled. "What the- who stretches like that?" I yelled, my voice getting high due to annoyance. My voice actually does that lol, anyone else?

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