New allies, Old friends

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Gavin convinced Elijah to lend him his car to head to the DPD. To get to the bottom of this, he needed to check previous crime records around the revolution. If he was lucky he may even get a lead.

The drive felt very slow, he swore he could literally feel the earth turning, that's how slow it felt. It seems Chloe was also feeling the same way. They passed an android and human couple under an umbrella, since it always seems to be raining here in Detroit. How the place hasn't flooded yet, Gavin couldn't answer.

Arriving at the station, Gavin was greeted by a startled Officer Tina. Gavin had no time to chat, all he could let out was a simple "Tina" as he and Chloe stormed into the building.

Despite all that's happened, Fowler still stopped Gavin in his tracks.

"Detective Reed, you've been gone for a week and..."

"Get out of my way Fowler."

"Not until..."

"Mr. Fowler please, we are here on urgent business." Chloe stepped forward in front of Gavin. Fowler actually paused for a minute. This asshole rarely shuts his damn mouth.

"Chloe, is it? I can't let gavin through, not until he..."
"Oh let him through." That was Hank.

Gavin turned to see Hank, but without Connor. Something isn't right. Connor never skips work, even on his days off Connor is usually still with Hank if he still works.

"I think there are worse things going on Fowler. Maybe you should let them through," Hank said.

Fowler stood in silence, trying to find his voice. Reluctantly, Fowler sighed and stepped aside.

Gavin turned to thank Hank, but he was already heading back to his desk.

"Chloe, I'll be right with you." Chloe complied and headed off.

Gavin walked up to Hank, who turned to stop him in his tracks.

"I don't care about what it is you have to say Reed. But I know you didn't come back to start working again. And it definitely has something to do with Connor, so please..." Hank placed his hands on Gavins shoulders. "Bring my boy back."

Bring my boy back. That means Connor is currently missing, again. Of course he's missing, honestly, how many times do I have to save him.

You saved him once, Gavin. Right, the upgrade Gavin got, Chloe also has. Now they can remain in contact long distance. Gavin could literally feel Chloe smile.

Gavin merely nodded, and jogged after Chloe. He found her in one of the older offices already looking through the files.

"You really have to cut in like that?" Gavin asked, immediately looking through the other filing cabinet. Chloe didn't respond, only smiled.

As the search went on Gavin came up with nothing, and neither did Chloe. Shit, where else could they go? Elijah would be hopeless with how he has no clue on what's going on. The DPD has nothing, and based off of Connors a sense, Connor is fucking missing.

"Whatever we may be getting into, we may need to approach others" Chloe cut into Gavin's thoughts. "Markus hasn't really been seen since the revolution, but he may be willing to help."

Gavin froze. The mere mention of Jericho group was about to throw him back into the evidence room.

It appeared, Chloe noticed that error, and was quick to bring him back. "I'm sorry Gavin, I should've known."

"It's fine, I forgot to ask Kamski to check on that, hopefully get that memory out."

Chloe seemed like she wanted to say something, but was quickly cut off by Hank walking in.

"Hey, I'm coming with you."

"Anderson..." Gavin growled.

"This involves my boy Connor, don't think Im not going to push. I'm not losing him too."

A short pause. The only response Gavin gave was a nod. Chloe led the way to the car, not before receiving a shout from Fowler. Something about Gavin having loads of work to do when he comes back... More like if he comes back.


Connors physical form sat on its knees, hunched over. His eyes closed. Despite his calm demeanor, he was trying to fight the grip Amanda had on him. He felt her aura blind his senses, until he couldn't feel at all. His eyes shot open, not his usual brown, but a striking blue. He slowly stood up, no longer holding any softness, or care. Just a cold icy glare.

"Welcome, Rk900. Hopefully you'll be more cooperative than your lesser counterpart."

He said nothing, only listened, and nodded in response.

"First, let us pay our old Jericho friends a visit."


Gavin had a bad feeling.

"Chloe, are you sure this is where they'll be?"

"I'm positive, we should be there in 10 minutes."

"So, Gavin. Were you ever going to mention you were Kamskis brother? or an android for that matter?" Hank asked.

Gavin rolled his eyes, and tried to ignore him.

"Or were we supposed to never find out? Also, what happened between you and Connor?"

"Can you PLEASE just be QUIET?" Gavin burst. He really didn't want to think about it. Yes he did start getting intimate with the other android, but it was Connor that started it! He'd rather forget that night ever happened. Besides, it'd cause way too many problems.

The rest of the car ride was silent.

Soon they came upon the mansion of an artist named Carl. They exited the car and walked up to the door, ad rung the doorbell.

Within moments, three familiar faces greeted them at the door.

"Gavin?" one of them questioned.

"Markus, North, Simon." He replied.

"What are you doing here?" North jumped in.

"It's Connor, that shit may be in trouble."

Making Amends (Connor x Gavin)Where stories live. Discover now