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"Who wants to go with me to pick up some groceries?" I asked while looking at them. All of them raised their hands except for a tired Yun Ho, who was barely awake.

"Maybe Jong Ho and Hong Joong should go with you" Seong Hwa suggested while he was listening to music. I nodded but I saw Jong Ho shaking his head.

"No can do Aerim, I'm tired too" he said and tried to sleep on the couch with his head on Yeo Sang's lap.

"I'll go with the both of you" San offered and that made me smile. Shopping with my Bias and Bias wrecker is fun hehe.

Hong Joong just shrugged and wrote down all that we'll be needing. I read the note that he handed to me and I just contemplated inside my head to think if we need more.

"Okay let's go" I said and the both of them followed me to their car. The driver was in front beside Hong Joong and at the back seat was me and San.

He really chose to be with me at the back because Hong Joong was tired. San was a great conversation handler. He made me laugh and feel comfortable throughout the ride.

"Aerim?" he glanced at me.

"Hmm?" I said and just looked at him.

"Remembered the note? Have you read it?" my cheeks reddened upon remembering the note. I nodded in response.

"All of that, I meant that, and I'm going to get you either the good way or the hard way" he laughed and tried sleeping. I was dead at what he said. This can't be.

hong joong

"All of that, I meant that, I'm going to get you either the good way or the hard way" I heard San laugh and peeked at the back to see a motionless Aerim looking at a distance. I sighed.

San is already making a move. This hurts to see that one day Aerim will just fall in love with San leaving me with a  broken heart again.

Upon arriving at the grocery shop I can really see the way San was taking care of her. The way they make eye contact. The way he makes her blush. The things that I never did.

"Yo Leader Hong, let's eat a bit and then return home" he said while carrying some groceries on one hand and Aerim's hand on the other. I just faked a smile and told them to go on.

I placed the groceries on the table and ordered up. As I sat beside them I felt like a big third wheel and a big clown for letting San have her.

"Lost in your thoughts?" Aerim asked me as San walked towards the comfort room. I swallowed the whole fish cake and looked at her, eye to eye.

"I'm really sorry for giving up on you once, but now, I'll never back down, I'm your Pirate King and I'll never see you in the hands of another, I promise" I said and excused myself to go to the car. What the hell did I just say?

hong joong

"I'm really sorry for giving up on you once, but now, I'll never back down, I'm your Pirate King and I'll never see you in the hands of another, I promise" he said as he walked towards the exit door. I felt my heart thump upon his confession. So, he really cares?

San approached me and I suggested we go to the car but he was eager to talk to me privately so I gave him a chance. After about 10 minutes we both stood up and went to the car.

We were all silent the whole ride home. San kept giving small talk. Hong Joong was just there sitting in front and listening to music.

seong hwa

𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆彡𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐉𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now