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    I was scrambling to find my hearing aids. Its Hoba's important day and I wouldn't miss it for the world. It's his graduation night and he has to give a speech.
Hoseok is in a grade ahead of me. I'm a junior in college and he is now graduating. We have been together since my sophomore year of high school.
Well... not really, but we have been friends since, we really got together when he was a senior in high school. I had to wait a whole year to be in the same school with him again.
Being partially deaf isn't hard, learning sign language isn't hard. Missing important speeches because you cannot find your hearing aids is hard. Especially when the speech is being given by the love of your life.
After about 10 minutes of searching I found them in a bag where I keep my contacts case and some personal hygiene products. I don't know how they got there but I don't have time to worry about that now.
I put them in, grabbed my keys, and rushed out. Hoseok and I share an apartment that's not too far from the school. I work at a diner that's on campus, and he works as a mechanic.. about 3 minutes away. We like being close to each other, Incase something happens.
I got to school with only 3 minutes before graduation starts. I see a close friend of ours and decide to sit by him.
His name is Soekjin, or Jin for short. He's been like a father to Hoseok, so of course he would be at graduation.

"Shhhh y/n" Jin said, " Our little sunshine is about to be called."
He smiled as we waited to hear his name, growing inpatient by the second.
He had already given his speech and Jin was in tears before it even started, but Jin crying made me cry.
"Jung Hoseok." Came ringing through the speakers overhead, causing more tears to flow, as Jin and I yell. We received a few nasty looks but that didn't matter.

After the about 500 more people, it was finally over, meaning I could finally see, and hug, and kiss, and smile at, and hug again, my Hoba.
When I reached him I saw him taking pictures with two more people that I knew.
Kim Namjoon and Min yoongi. He practically grew up with them, and now they graduated together. As I was watching them I could feel tears swell in my throat.
Not wanting to make a sound or ruin the moment I just stayed silent and watched them laugh and joke around.
Then he started to look around the crowded room, he had a look of panic for a quick second.
That was until we locked eyes.
And when we did I felt my heart sink, and time seemed to slow down. It seemed to do that a lot when it came to him, my hope.
" Can you hear me.. y/n," he said bringing me back into reality. He looked concerned.
"Yeah, yeah I heard you." I said and placed a kiss on his lips to reassure him.
I knew why he looked concerned, I could completely lose my hearing at any time.
He kissed back and asked if I was tired, or if I wanted him to drive, or if I was hungry, or if my feet hurt.
I denied it all, and said I was fine, but he pushed more. So I said I was hungry.
He smiled, "Good, because we're going to a celebratory dinner with all of the boys."
I smiled back, I missed the younger boys, I wonder what they've been up to lately.

        We arrived at a local Pho restaurant. I went in and the place was empty except for one table, our table.
         Jungkook ran up to me and picked me up into a hug.
      "Ok kookie, don't hurt her," I heard Hoseok say.
      " I wasn't going to! I just missed her is all."
      " Tae Tae!" I said as my eyes scanned the room, "Chim Chim!"  They both came up to me and gave me a hug, but not one like Jk had given me.
       "It's nice to see you again y/n." Jimin said.
       "Oh uh.. I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend." Jimin spoke again and my eyes widened.
        Park Jimin has a girlfriend.
        The Park Jimin that "could never be tied down."
      "This is Lola, Lola this is y/n."
       I smiled at her, but Hoseok pulled me to sit next to him before I could say anything.
       We all ate, and caught up. It was nice to see the boys again, they go to a different school so sometimes it's hard. But we do meet as much as possible.
         On breaks we visit, have sleep overs, take road trips. Anything that makes us spend time together.

     I got tired quick, so Hoseok took me home early, but the others promised to come by the apartment later.

      When we got to the house, he just looked at me, with the same concerned look.
       "I'm okay Hobi, really." I said.
        " I know.. it just scares me sometimes." He said.
      I knew he was beyond prepared, we both had taken sign language classes, we had pamphlets on how to set up things in our house. But I guess none of that could really prepare you for something like this.
       I was even scared of it.
       After reassuring him for the nth time, we started to get ready for bed. I went took a shower, brushed my teeth, and crawled into the left side of the bed.
       It's a weird rule of Hobi's, I HAD to be on his left side when he slept.
          I took out my hearing aids and fell asleep quickly.

     When I woke up Hoseok wasn't by my side. I stretched and looked around, the door was closed. I then put in my hearing aids.
      "... no I'm sure she's still asleep, she was.." silence. I had taken my hearing aid out again. The boys must be over and I'm not ready to see them yet.
     I roll back over and fall back asleep. I wake up later to someone shaking me.
     It was Hoseok.
     " Wake up." I read from his lips. I nodded and began to sit up. He put his arm around me to make sure I didn't fall back down.
       He hands me my hearing aids, " there's no food, I'll go get something, you should shower and do want you need to get done while I'm gone." He says.
      I nodded again, and he left.
Instead of showering, I took my laptop out and started homework. I'm studying to be psychiatrist, and it's not cheap or easy.

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