Your so Lovely

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so lovely
was written on the ring.

I had said yes to the love of my life two days ago. Yoongi came and stayed for the last two days.
He explained to me how him and Hobi had been planning that for a while, which might explain his behavior, but he still seemed a little bothered by something.
I just shrugged it off. I was too excited and I loved Hobi so much, I just know this is a good decision.
     I couldn't stop looking at it. It was a simple band, but it was MY simple band.
      It was OUR simple band. It was a nice ring, and it was from the man I loved.
      I stopped wearing my hearing aids as much around the house.
     We are trying to get used to it, it's hard and we get aggravated at it sometimes, but we'll make it work.
      I wear them when we leave though, he said I didn't have to now that he's proposed.
     He said that was one of the last things he wanted me to hear, that's why I couldn't take them out before the party. 
      We were always with each other. It was almost summer time and I was ready to spend every second of it with him.
      I don't know what he's doing now that he's graduated but we're doing good, so he has time to figure it out.
      I told him to take as much time as he needed, as long as he does follow his dream.
      I want him to do what he likes, and I don't want to hold him back.
     I've told him that plenty of times, he says he knows, and that i'm not.
      "Promise me you'll stay with me." he says.
       "I promise."

       I loved the ring. It was so pretty. That night we sat and had some "us" time.
      The next day, he called my parents and told them. They were thrilled because they love him.
      Then we called his mom, she was happy and she congratulated me, but his dad wasn't so happy.
       I was happy though, and Hobi was happy too, so that was all that mattered to me.
        We sat down and tried to plan the wedding, I know it's early but It's nice to have an idea of what you want.
      I had no idea though, I never really thought about the wedding.
      I usually think about the life after the wedding when it came to Hobi.
       We sat down and talked, Yoongi added in a few jokes and honest suggestions.
        The other boys were packing to leave again. Jimin and Lola were out spending his last day together.
      They would be back for summer break. I already couldn't wait.
      The wedding is coming faster than I thought. He wants to be married before I start school again next year.
       I don't mind but it seems kind of fast. We haven't even planned what we wanted before he proposed.
       I didn't care, I just knew so wanted to spend the rest of my life with Hoseok.
        Plus we live so close to home, it would be an easy trip for my parents.
       If we stayed in the city we were in, we would live cozy and together.
       I'd love to live close and have my kids go to the same school I went to.
       That is, if we chose to have kids one day. I'm not really sure what I want yet.

      "Let's go say bye to the boys." He signed to me. It was cute watching him learn.
       We went to classes together one summer, so he remembers some but he tried his hardest.
       I put my hearing aids in and went into the living room.
      Everyone was gathered together. Hugging and saying goodbye.
      Lola was here with Jimin, it looked as if they had cried not too long ago.
        She hugged him one last time before grabbing her keys and leaving. I could tell she was about to cry again.

        Jungkook came up to me and gave me a hug.
      " Congrats Noona, be happy." he says and places a kiss on my cheek.
       I hug him back and thank him. I turned to the next boy because I didn't want to cry. They would be back before I knew it.

      Taehyung came up to me next. He had his box smile on.
       "Live kind and well." He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
        I pulled him into a hug. I looked up and him and smiled.
      "Smile more." I say as I let him go.

Jimin was next. I could see he was on the verge of tears more than the rest of us.
It was always hard for him to leave us, we were a big part of his life.
The other boys were like family to him.
"Ah. I don't know what to say really." he sighed, "keep him happy, Noona. Stay lovely."
I hugged him and smiled. He hesitated a little before he hugged me back.

Just when I thought I was done, and the boys were headed out, Namjoon walked up to me.
"Oh are you leaving too?" I asked.
"Yeah.. I got a job offer near the boys, so I'll just go with them." he said.
It shocked me a little, I had no idea. But I understood so I nodded and said my goodbyes.
"I'll be back for the wedding. Keep him safe." he says to me as he went out the door.

Once they left it was just Yoongi,Hobi, and I left in the apartment.
We were all moping around, kind of gloomy that the boys left.
Yoongi stayed for a while, I guess not wanting to go home to and empty apartment.

"It's like watching children grow isn't it." Yoongi began.
"It hurts all the same." I agreed.
"I should get going.." He went to stand up. I looked at him and studied his features.
He looked more tired than I remembered. His eyes had bags under them.
His skin was pale and his shoulders slouched, he always took them leaving hard, but I don't remember it being this hard.
He looked as if he hadn't slept in a while, he also looked like he was seconds away from crying.
This has gone on for too long.
     I grabbed his hand.
     " Yoongi what's wrong?" I asked. He sat for a minute and thought about my question.
       He began to break down. Everyone has a breaking point, and he has reached his. 
      "E- everyone is leaving.I live alone, I'm the only one left here!" he sniffles "That girl! I hate that girl! She told me that I wasn't good enough for Jimin. She says that I will die alone!" his breathing becomes irregular and he hides his face in his hands.
      What girl? I thought, but if I wanted him to talk to me, I had to calm him down.
       "Yoongi, listen to me." I say and he doesn't look up, but I know that he's listening.
        "You are perfect. You are amazing in every way. Forget that that girl thinks. Yoongi you are so lovely."
     I said and my voice broke. He was always so strong, I didn't think that things like that break him.
     But to be fair, he is human. He left before saying anything else.
     As he left I got up to go to the room to be with Hobi, but when I turned around Hobi was standing in the door way.
     He looked upset.
      No, he looked angry.
    He probably heard the whole thing.
    "What girl?" He asks, indicating that he had heard it.
     "I don't know I-" his phone rang.
      He held up a finger and answered the call.
      "I need an answer." The voice says.
       "Yes sir, I'll take it. I just need maybe a month or two." Hobi says back.
      "Alright, fine." the voice says, and hangs up.
     I look at him, confused. He turns and goes back into the room.

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