And it gets bad

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Since Jin and Yoongi went in the same car, I left my car with Yoongi so he could drive it back once Hoseok left, and Jin was taking me home.

I cried the whole way home, most of it was silent and I thought I was okay. I felt so weak and tired. Jin tried to make me feel better with small talk, but he stopped after a while. It wasn't helping.

After all of the crying, I finally cried myself to sleep, I was awoken not too long after. We had finally made it to that now dreadful apartment.

I inhaled a deep breath. I was alone for the next year, maybe more. Jin waited for me to get out the car. He could tell what I was thinking.

"You can stay with me for the night... if you want." He said quietly.

I smiled weakly. I didn't want to stay with Jin, and seem like a burden but I wasn't ready to go into the empty apartment yet.

I nodded, "Please?" I asked and he nodded back in response and started the car again. We arrived at his house about 10 minutes later.

He led me in and into the guest room. I looked around. This room has been used a lot, this room was home to somebody.

He read my thoughts again and spoke. "Yoongi stays here sometimes. It gets lonely at his apartment too." I nodded and sat on the bed, then I realized I had no clothes, or extra money with me.

Then I remembered that I had rarely eaten. I just wanted to sleep the next year away. A whole year without Hoseok. A. Whole. Year. I sat back on the bed and sighed.

There was a faint knock on the door.

"I- uh.. give me a minute, Jin." I said. I wasn't used to people knocking, Hobi would just walk in. I wasn't used to staying with someone who wasn't Hobi.

"I'm going to have to sleep alone." I mumbled to myself in realization. I sighed again and went to answer the door.

Jin had a plate of food in his hand, and a water bottle.

" I ordered when you fell asleep in the car. I figured you weren't going home tonight. We can go get some clothes later, If you'd like." He handed me the things in his hand.

I thanked him and shut the door as he left. I didn't want to go back to the house and get clothes. I never wanted to go back to that empty apartment, that held so many memories.

There was another knock on the door. It was softer than the first one and I barley recognized it as a knock.

"Come back later, Jin." I replied to the knock.

"Actually..It's me." Yoongi's voice came from the other side of the door. I never knew I dreaded seeing him, but I did hesitate to open the door. I felt so unprepared.

I opened the door and he stepped inside the room. He was looking down, playing with his fingers, and avoiding eye contact. I cleared my throat, causing him to look up.

He scratched at the back of his head, "Y/n.. I- I'm sorry I kept that from you." He apologized.

" It's okay." I replied

"No, I kept it from you but I felt really bad the whole time, to the point where I was physically sick. I hated keeping it from you, and I thought the proposal would fix everything... but he really did want to marry you. It wasn't just for the move." He pushed.

"Thank you, and I understand, but he isn't here now is he? He's gone. I probably could have talked him out of it. But I can't now, because he's gone." I said.

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