Isnt it Lovely

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      The next day, everyone was all over the place.   There were phone calls made, and private conversations between everyone.
     There was a lot of shopping within the last couple of days. They were really going all out for this little get together.
      I told them that they shouldn't, that it was ok that I missed the last one, but they insisted.
     They said they wanted to make this one special. Jimin used his favorite word, "lovely."
      They insisted, but they wouldn't let me help with anything. They wanted me to just sit back.
So I let them work. Hoseok stayed with me for a while, he whispered sweet things in my ears for the last few days.
He also did a lot of worrying, and making sure my hearing was good. Well as good as it gets.
He insisted that we should go clothes shopping for the get together.
I tried to tell him that it wasn't necessary, that i had plenty of clothes at home.
But he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. So I got dressed, and that's where we are now.

"Pick something nice." He said, "Something fancy."

I don't want to pick anything nice and get dressed up. I'm sure what I have is fine, but like I said, he insisted.

After about an hour of shopping, I- well Hobi really- picked out a black silk dress.
      He likes how it felt, and it wasn't that expensive. We went and looked for shoes. I got a pair of silver heels that matched the earrings he bought me.
      After that, he bought him a new outfit, and then we went out to eat with the boys.

     It's finally the day for the get together.
      We eat breakfast together, all of us except Yoongi. He wasn't really feeling good this morning.
     After breakfast the rest of the boys left to get some things together, while Jungkook stayed and talked to me. He had some extra things to finish around the house.
      At 6:30 everyone came home to get dressed. Lola and I got dressed together.
      And of course we took the longest to get ready. I pulled my hair up, so my ear rings could be seen.
     The ear rings Hobi got me on our last date. I wanted them to stick out.
      I put my hearing aids in and left the room to see where everyone was.
      When I stepped out of my room, I was greeted by Jk, again.
       "Hobi had to go. I'm not sure why, but he asked me to bring you." He said taking my hand and leading me out of the apartment.
      I just followed, not wanting to fight because they put so much effort into tonight.
       We arrived to a dock that was decorated with lights. There was a big area with small tables put in.
      There was a speaker and more lights hanging. I looked around at the sight.
       The water made the surroundings a little cold, but the sight was worth it.
      Jin has set food out, telling us to eat something. Or have a drink, or just dance.
     He came and talked to me, he mainly said how he wanted the night to go good for me since I missed the last one.
    I looked around, everyone was having fun and smiling. I'm going to miss it when they leave, I already know I will.
     I looked at Tae and Jungkook, they were laughing at something Jin was telling them.
      Jimin and Lola were hugged up, taking pictures under the lights.
      Well that's strange Yoongi, Hobi, nor Rm was here.
     Just as I was thinking that Yoongis car pulled up. Him and Namjoon got out.
     I looked at the car a little longer, hoping Hobi would be coming out next. So that I could thank him for everything.
      But after looking for a while , no one else got out of the car.
      "He's not here." Yoongi said into my ear.
       "He's not here or he's not coming?" I asked not turning to face him, incase I cry.
        I got nothing in response. I turn to look and Yoongi had walked away, starting a new conversation with Taehyung.
        I waited an hour, and still there was no sign of Hobi.
     I was getting upset, and worried. I sat down at one of the tables.
       This night was supposed to be perfect. I was supposed to have fun with everyone before they left.
      But more importantly, I was supposed to have the love of my life by my side.
       I sighed and took my hearing aids out. The happy noise around me was saddening.
        I wipe the tears that was flowing fast down my face. I should be this upset, but I was.
       I looked up and Taehyung was in front of me. His lips were moving, as if he'd been talking so I put my hearing aids in.
       "....isn't it lovely though?" he said, putting on a boxy smile.
         Looking at his smile reminded me of Hobi's heart smile.
       That damned smile
       from that damned boy who wasn't even here.
      I nod and smile, not knowing what he had said before that.
       Everything was lovely though.
       That's when I hear a change in music. I hear a voice that I know.
       Hobi's voice.
       Hobi's angelic voice was on a song.
       I smile and close my eyes. Listening to the small chatter of the people around me, and feeling the cool breeze sweep me away.
       My mind clears and I feel my body ease. It was something about that man that just calmed me.
       Even if I was only hearing his voice. It was a familiar voice.
       It was a lovely voice.
        It was home.
       I started to cry, I would miss his voice when I lose my hearing.
       What if i forget what it sounds like?
       I can't imagine waking up one day, and not being able to hear his voice.
      As I was thinking this, the world felt still, and everything got quiet.
      It was as if my mind had hushed everything , expected it was actually quiet.
      I realized that it was quiet outside of my head.
      I opened my eyes, forgetting that they were closed.
      And in front of me was a Hobi.
      He was kneeling down with a small box in his hand.
       When he knew I was looking at him, he slowly began to open the box.
        There was a small silver band. It hand words written on it, I couldn't quite make out the words yet.
       "Marry me y/n." he said. I stood in shock. Of course I wanted to marry him.
     I didn't say anything, afraid to rid the moment, and afraid to cry.
     His face filled with panic.
      " Y/n? Do you hear me."
       " I hear you." I say, letting the tears come. " And yes Jung hoseok, I will marry you."
       He stands and pulls me into a hug. Placing the ring on my finger.
      " Isn't it lovely." He says. I smile and nod.
       The boys surround me, giving me hugs and congratulating me.
      I cry tears of joy. I show them my ring.
       "Isn't it lovely." I say through tears.
      They all took my hand and looked
       so lovely
      Was written on the ring.

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