Anyday Now

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      The next three days were boring. All I did was work.
      Hoseok was always at Yoongi's house now. They had something big coming up apparently.
     The only time I would see him is if we were going out to eat, or we were going to bed.
     Out conversations were dry for the most part. But school kept me busy anyways.
    It is now the fourth day since he's started leaving to go see Yoongi.
    He came home early, which is surprising, I kind of got used to him coming home late.

    "In a few days the boys will be back," Hoseok said, "And we'll all be together again."
      I nodded in response. Why would the boys be coming back? Our next break was summer and that wasn't for another month.
     He continued to speak, "We are all going to have a night out, since you missed the last one. We feel really bad about it."
    I think that's the most we have talked in three days.
    We stayed home all day. we talked some more, but not much.
     We ended up falling asleep. When i woke up he was looking at me, lost in his thoughts.
    "Oh you're awake." He said, and smiled.
      That damned smile.
      I feel like I say that often.
      I got up and took my hearing aids out as i showered. The water was soothing.
      I sat in the shower for a long time. It felt nice to know he's not mad, and that he's ok.
      So I just let the water and my thoughts absorb me.
       I got out of the shower and walked through the apartment to find Hoseok since he wasn't in the room.
He was standing by the door, as if someone had just walked out of it and he was closing it behind them.
He smiled and opened his mouth to speak. I could see his lips move, but no noise came out.
I panicked for a minute. I couldn't hear.
Then, I realized that i didn't have my hearing aids in. And calmed down a little to try to pay attention to his lips.
Them lips that form that beautiful smile.
The only thing from the conversation is him mouthing the words,
'Did you hear me'
I nodded, "I hear you."
      I might stop wearing my hearing aids soon, and practice my sign language.
      We're going to have to get used to it. We have to start somewhere.

I took a nap before i had to go in for work. As i was walking towards the campus to get to the diner I ran into Lola.
"Jimin will be here in a few days." She said excitedly.
       I cut her off. I have a short fuse when it came to her.
    "Don't call him that. Thats MY nickname for him." I snapped and she stopped walking.
      I could tell she was shocked, but I just kept walking. Her calling him Hoba make me so angry for some reason.
       She must have heard me call him that in graduation night.
       Nonetheless, she shouldn't be saying it. It was my name for him.

        I got to work and it was boring. The same people came in, as usual.
       Lola never came, which i think is a good thing. That situation was bad and i couldn't face her.
     I waited tables and even helped in the kitchen, staff is low.
     I went out when i heard the bell of the door ring to see the customer.
      It was Yoongi and Hobi.
      They sat down on a stool in front of me, and i took their orders.
      " Let me get.. a coffee and a donut please." Hobi said and I nodded.
      "Just a coffee for me." Yoongi said.
       Something was eating at him, he had a big secret taunting him.
        That or he wasn't getting enough sleep. He was fidgety and he had bags under his eyes.
         His eyes darted everywhere and he sipped his coffee fast, as if he was in a rush.
        Hoseok on the other hand, was so calm and collected.
      He looked well rested and confident. He slowly ate his donut and sipped from his cup.
       They stayed in the diner until my shift was over.After my shift, we all walked home together.
      We mainly talked about the boys coming and where they would stay.
        They could all stay with us, it was only three of them, but i know all of the boys would want to be together.
      So that then makes seven.
      Eventually we all agreed that they would stay in our apartment, that we would make it work.
     Yoongi was happy with the arrangements and bid us a goodnight, and left.

      When we got home,did our night routine, and laid in bed we started talking.
       " I want to start leaving the hearing aids out and trying sign language" i said, turning to him.
       He looked at me, not saying anything at first. He looked so sad after a minute, but he hid the look well.
        "Not yet." he said, "Just a little while longer."
       "Then when?"
       "Any day now." He said, then places a kiss on my cheek. He then turned the lights out and went to sleep.
     What does that mean? Any day now. I tossed and turned all night.
     There was something they knew that I didn't know.
      But i wanted to. I really wanted to know what was going on.
      I want to know why Yoongi looked so distracted, and why Hoba was acting so secretive.
      My mind wandered all night and I couldn't find any peace.
     But i'm sure i would...  any day now.

I woke up due to the sun shining through the curtains. So I fell asleep sometime during the night.
Hoseok was by my side. He was already up and on his phone.
He looked at me for a minute, then looked back down at his phone.
I roll out of bed and get in the shower, I have classes later.
Classes with Lola...
I forgot all about the thing with Lola until now. I wonder if she's told Jimin.
And if he's told Hoseok. I don't think he would be mad but I just wonder.
I scramble to find my hearing aids, once again. I find them under the nightstand by the bed.
They always find their way away from me., some how.
I get dressed, kiss Hobi goodbye, and leave. We would have had breakfast together but i didn't have time.
When I got to my first class of the day, there was Lola. Smiling and waving for me to come sit by her.
I slight smiled and nodded, taking a seat by her, kind of shocked that she isn't mad.

The next few days were the same. I did the same things, with the same people.
It was boring. I was ready for the boys to get here. It was taking forever.
But I kept waiting.
Because they will be here.
And soon.
I kept telling myself.
"Y/n they will be here...
....any day now."
And everything will be back to normal.
Any day now.

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