When secrets end

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Normal POV

I woke up due to the sun shinning in through the living room window. I had fallen asleep sometime last night.

My face physically hurt from crying. I looked around and saw all the tissues that I had. My stomach growled, and I realized that I hadn't eaten yesterday.

I groaned from pain and stood up, I needed to clean. I couldn't fix everything, but I could fix this. I started to pick up the tissues.

As I started, I felt like someone was watching me, so I looked up. And sure enough, there was Jung Hoseok. He was standing above me, holding his hand out.

I looked, and he had my hearing aids in his hand. I took them and huffed. He obviously wanted to talk, and I wasn't in the mood to talk.

But I put them in anyways and cleared a spot for both of us on the couch. He sat down and looked at me for a solid minute before he spoke.

"I'll start from the beginning." I nodded and he grabbed my hand. He sighed before continuing.

"It started at graduation, I was filling out job applications, and this one had come up in..." He paused and looked at me. I forced a smile and told him to continue.

He cleared his throat, "Korea." he said and I gasped slightly.

But, he continued, "Yoongi and the rest of the boys thought that I should take it, but my main concern was you. I love you y/n and I never want to leave. I'd been planning on proposing for a while but Yoongi said If I proposed before I took the job that you would have followed me."

The secret was that he took a job offer in Korea? And he thought proposing would make me follow him? I was so confused but he continued to speak, so I'll just wait until he finishes.

"I asked the boys not to tell you about the job because I didn't want to worry you. But you are right, we are a team..." He stopped talking and looked at me, his eyes were tearing up.

"But as much as I love you" he said, no longer making eye contact, "I took the offer, so I have to go. With or without you." He let go of my hand.

The last part shocked me. He considered not taking me, but I do have school, and a job here. I've put so much money into this.

Why would Yoongi and the other boys keep this from me? That could have been the last time that I ever seen them. They had no intentions on going back to Korea.

He broke me away from my thoughts by speaking, "You have to choose y/n."

He's really making me choose, and right now? He could have been told me. I would have more time to think about it.

Why would he even take a job without even considering me ? There were plenty of good paying jobs close to us.

I opened my mouth to speak, "But Hoba" I reached out and grabbed his hand, "That's a whole country away." My lip began to quiver and I could feel the tears coming back.

"I-" I managed to get out before my voice broke.

He cut me off anyway. "I understand." He said and stood up. He kissed my forehead and headed to the room.

My mind went back to last night, me watching him get his bag. I remembered how it felt when he left. I had so much fear that he wouldn't come back, and this time he might not.

I got up and ran to the room, and he was packing. I threw myself on in, in defeat. Korea had won, Korea wanted my man, and Korea got him.

"Why?" I yelled at him. "Huh? Why me." I said and started pushing him away from his clothes. He didn't even acknowledge me. He just started putting clothes in a bag.

"So it's just that huh?" I yelled again and started pushing harder, my frustration turning into tears. He grabbed my hands and forced me to stop.

"Y/n stop!" He yelled back and I jumped a little. He felt me jump and loosened his grip around my hand.

"Listen. We can work this out. We can make this work." He made me look at him. I nodded, not knowing how this could work in the slightest.

He sat me down. "We got this, we just have to think this through."

"Just go." I waved my hands around, "You were planning on leaving this whole time. Just leave." I said, not wanting to fight anymore.

"No I wasn't planning on leaving-"

"Bullshit. What were you and Yoongi talking about then?"

He didn't say anything. He looked at his phone.

"I have to pack. I have a plane to catch in almost 24 hours. " He said, getting up.

"But you weren't planning on leaving?" I mumbled before turning to leave the room. I couldn't be in here anymore. I was physically tired.

I went out because I hadn't eaten in a while, plus I skipped a class today because of all of the issues with Hoseok.

I went into the diner that I worked at. One of my co-workers saw me and frowned.

" You don't look too good." she said handing me a water. I forced a smile.

"Really? Because I feel great." I was being sarcastic, but she knew I was joking. She brought me out something to eat.

It was a grilled cheese with sandwich meat inside of it. I didn't eat much of it, I just sat there and picked at it. I was hungry without an appetite. After a while I thanked her and left a tip. I figured it was time I headed back to the apartment.

I knew I had to face him sooner or later, and now was the time. I had no other choice really. I followed him all the way up here, so I had no family to stay with.

It wasn't his fault though. I was crazy in love, and I still am. I would follow him to the ends of the earth if I could, but there's some responsibilities I had. I couldn't just drop everything and move just like that.

I reached our shared apartment- well, shared for now- and turned the key in the lock and opened the door. It was dead silent.

I walked in and saw a note on the stand by the door.

~ here's your ticket in case you change your mind. I'll be at Jins.

I picked up the ticket and saw that it was for 10 pm. tomorrow. I guess I'm cancelling another class tomorrow.

The next day I woke up super early and headed to the airport. I drove for about two hours by myself. When I reached the airport I found Hobi almost instantly. It was as if we were soul mates.

He looked at me and smile, but his smile soon turned into a frown when he realized I didn't have any luggage.

I went up to him and hugged him. He held me tightly and for a long time. I wanted to yell at him, to tell him to stay, but I knew I couldn't.

Instead, i wiped his face and kissed his cheek.

"I'll be there before you know it." I say, "There's just some things that have to get done first. But know this, and listen, I love you and I would do anything for you, for us. I got one more year and then I'm done. And then I can talk about Korea, but until then... we have to make distance work."

He nods and hugs me again. I look over his shoulder at Jin and Yoongi. They give me a hug because I was crying. I didn't even know I was crying as bad as I was.

"We have to go."Jin says, "Call us after you land." He pulls me with them, knowing that Hobi wouldn't leave if I stayed, so I left with them.
      Yoongi stayed with him though, to make sure he boarded his plane.

"I love you!" I yelled.

" I love you too." He signed back.

I was still a little upset but I couldn't let us end on a bad note.

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