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As Nico enters the village a worn down old sign labels it as Therinsford. Nico walks through the Main Street taking stock of the town. Perfect, he decides. The town is big enough that a new-comer wont be recognized but not so big as to attract any major attention. He quickly finds himself standing in front of a tavern. He shrugs and walks in and takes a seat in a shadowy corner booth. A young woman walks up to his table. "What can i get for you?" Nico pulls out his magic wallet. A gift from his father which holds an endless supply of whatever currency is required. He pulls out a few coins and hands them to the woman. "Turkey sandwich, baked potato, and a glass of Meade."as the woman walks away Nico settles back into his chair and listens to the conversation around him.

"Urgals!" One man exclaims. "Marching across the country side". "Oh your full of it" another says dismissively. "No". the first one responds. "The traders told me when they passed through the other day." The second man waves a hand dismissively. "The traders are just as full of it as you are. One of them told me a shade has been seen in the country. They're just telling tall tales." From there the two men's conversation devolved into general gossip. as Nico picked at his food he heard more and more rumors about the strange happenings in alagaesia. Nico isn't sure he believes them all, but he knows better than to dismiss rumors too easily. And his mind keeps flashing back to the purple stone concealed in his bag. He feels sure he should kn ow what it is. But he just cant place what it is. Finally Nico walks over to the bar. "What can i do for you young man?" The tavern owner asks. "I need a room",Nico responds curtly. "For how long." Nico bites his lip. He had planned to come to alagaesia and never return. But... recent events have made him wonder if... Maybe he could be happy. Nico pours some coins onto the counter. "A month", He decides. Long enough for him to get his thoughts in order. The tavern owner looks from the pile of coins to Nico. "You're a bit young to be traveling alone aren't you?" Nico just shrugs. The bar tender sighs. "Yes, youre business is you're own I suppose", he says as he scares the coins into is his purse. "And your money is as good as anyone's." He hands Nico a brass key. "Room number 4"

That Night Nico had three dreams. First his Ba slipped into the Duat and he finds himself in Brooklyn. Will solace is sitting in the Kane house talking to Sadie Kane. Since when does Will Know Sadie? Nico wonders to himself. "He Just walked into a portal." Will says. "I have no idea where he went" Sadie insists. Which is true, Nico acknowledges. "But you know where i should start to look." Will responds. Also True, Nico thinks. Sadie sighs, then opens a portal and leads will through it. But when Nico goes through the portal he isn't with them anymore. Now he's sitting in a hot tub with Mimir and Samirah-al Abbas. "Once again destiny has great plans for Nico." He says. "Can't that poor kid ever get a break?" Samirah asks. "NIco can never be at peace untill he accepts his place in the world." Then the hot tub vanishes and Nico is standing in a house he doesn't recognize looking at a teenage boy he never seen before. "Hello Nico." He jumps at the sound of the gruff voice next to him. HAdes smiles as Nico pulls himself off the floor. "What are you doing here Dad.?" "I could ask you the same thing." Hades retorts. Nico rolls his eyes then turns back to the teenage boy. "Who's he?" Hades considers the question. "You'll meet him soon enough."

Hades looks fondly at Nico. "My son. For all your skill in combat, for all your mastery of magic. For all your knowledge of the secrets of the worlds of men and gods you still have one lessen to learn." Nico buries his face in his hands. "And of course you cant just give me advice and guidance like a normal parent might. No your going to send me on some ridiculous convoluted quest aren't you?" Hades smirks a wicked evil smirk then leans in and kisses Nico on the forehead. Nico freezes, paralyzed in shock. "Brace yourself." Hades whispers, then melts into the darkness. Just then a rattling sound catches Nicos attention and he spins around to see on the bookshelf. A stone just like his, except blue instead of purple. It rattles louder and the boy in the bed wakes up and stares at the stone in alarm. Then it begins to roll Towards the boy. It drops off the shelf and hits the floor with a thud.

Nico wakes up in his own bed. But the rattling hasn't stopped. He sees his own stone on the floor. "Styx", he curses finally realizing what the stone is. Suddenly the stone breaks into a dozen pieces and a small Violet dragon pops out. Nico curses every god of every pantheon he knows for pulling him into the power struggles of alagaesia. Then the small dragon climbs up onto his bed. And looks at him expectantly. Reflexively nico reaches out his hand to pet the dragon and a shock shoots up his arm. "Typhoons loincloth" Nico examines his hand and discovers a large silver oval on his palm.he looks accusingly at the small dragon, who has already curled up on Nico's pillow and gone to sleep. "Ill deal with you in the morning." Then he lays down and doesn't dream again.

Nico Di Angelo Dragon Rider (Amongst other things)Where stories live. Discover now