The new comer

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The counsel of elders had wanted a meeting with Nico and Eragon, but Brom had put an end to that. Imagine if he wasnt here. Eragon would probably have been conned into pledging fealty or some other very retarded shit. as it were Nico, Saphira, Achilles and Eragon were being escorted by orik to meet with Hrothgar. As they enter the throne room of the Dwarves Hrothgar seems somewhat dejected. He perks up when he sees us. "I owe the two of you a great thanks." He says. "the two of you have done a great service to this nation." then he turns to Nico. "I must ask stranger. How came you by this dragon?" Nico shrugs. "these things happen you know." Hrothgar examines him thoughtfully. "i am reminded of strange rumors which have reached my ears these past years from the dwarves of durgreimst Az swelden rak anuin of a human who has engaged with them in much adventures and debauchery. they tell that this human is skileld with a blade and learned with strange magics. im told that he observes odd superstitions and harbors many secrets. only he goes not by the name of Draco Malfoy but is known only by the monicer of Dobby." Nico doesnt respond. Hrothgar glances back at Achilles. "Az swelden rak Anuin will not like this." He says. "I will deal with Vermund when the time comes." Nico responds. Eragon looks back and forth between the two. "Is there any hope of fixing Isidar mithrum?" he asks after a while. Hrothgar slumps. "No. None." Nico crosses his arms. "If Arya had only waited thiry seconds longer i would have killed Durza myself." eragon scowls. "But she had no way of knowing that." Nico sighs. "No i guess not." Then eragons mouth falls open and he turns back to look at saphira. Then conveys her offer to fix the star sapphire.

As they arrive in Tarnac suddenly a line of Dwarves dressed in purple hoods and carrying spears blocks their path. Orik approaches them and begins to speak in Dwarvish. but then they see the emblem on eragons Helmet. They begin to shout angrily. One of them pulls a silver ring out of their robes. Orik seems shocked. The Dwarf reaches up to his beard but then Nico  Steps forward. The Dwarves seem surprised to see him. they begin speaking rapidly in Dwarvish. they make many gestures to Eragon and the two Dragons. Eragon looks over to Arya but she seems just as perplexed. Finally Nico pulls an envelope out of his coat and offers it to one of the Dwarves. The Dwarf looks at it skeptically, then sticks the silver ring back into his pocket, takes the envelope, and nodd. then the line of dwarves walks away. Nico rejoins the group casually. "alright we're clear."

The dwarves prepared an extravagant feast. Before He ate Nico conjured a ball of flame in midair and tossed half pot roast into it. he mutteres a short prayer to a few choice gods. then begins to eat. "an offering to your gods?" Eragon asks. Nico nodds. Arya Snorts. "Perhaps the food youve burned would have been bettter given to a hungry Dwarf." Nico looks thoughtfully at Arya. she seems uncomfortable under his gaze. "It is always true that people do not value things which they do not understand" Brom struggles to contain his laughter. Eragons mouth falls open. Arya looks irritated. "Just because i choose not to believe in things of which there is no proof?" The Achilles projects his thoughts into everyones mind. "But proof would Do no good would it? If you saw the work of gods you would simply claim it was Magic you did not know. whatever proof we could provide you would simply ignore. Or have i misjudged you?" All eyes turned to Arya. there was no mistaking it. She was thunderstruck. After a few moments she said "If there are gods that are not known to me, and i will admit that i cannot prove there are not, then perhaps you could explain why they have not chosen to intervene to bring an end to the suffering under the rule of Galbatorix. Nico and Achilles look at eachother for a long time, then burst into hysterical laughter. 

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