Farthen Dur

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Achilles blasts a jet of fire incinerating a dozen kull. Hes been burning everything in sight since his fire came in. Nico Restrains the chieftan of the Kull as Achilles finishes the last of his troop. Nico reaches into the Kulls mind. An army of Urgals. Durza. Tunnels. Spies in the varden. Attack. The kulls mind breaks before Nico can find anything more. Nico shares what he found with achilles. "Its time to reveal ourselves." He says. "We have lurked in the darkness long enough. Nico frowns. "whats wrong with lurking in the darkness? Thats like 85% of my personality." Achilles rolls his eyes. The shadows grab them. and they emerge in the Midst of a raging battle under Farthen Dur.

The Varden is in disaray. Urgals are rampaging through the mountain. and in the center of trunjeim Eragon is on his back With Durza standing over him. He raises his sword. "Durza you vile Unholy wretch!" I shout. The battle stops. Everyone looks at me. Durza scowls. " Do not interfer. You have no business here Prince of Erebus." "I dont have Business anywhere. im still gonna kick your ass."This is not your war! You are beyond your domain!" Nico smirks. "You would be right. except i have remembered something you have forgotten." Durza narrows his eyes. "What?" he whispers. "The Erinyes." Durzas eyes widen I point my sword at him. "Galbatorix has defiled his blood oath. All who falsly swear an oath are forfeit to Hades Domain. As was ordained by Aslan when he pulled this world and all others from the void. Would you deny me my birthright Durza?" Durza forces a sneer on his face. Only his eyes betray the terror he feels. "The ancient laws may bind the king. But you have not the power to enforce them here. Nico sighs. holds out his hand and snaps his fingers.
Eragon had not the slightest idea what Draco was talking about. Neither did Brom by the look on his face. But Anyone who taunted a shade was either very powerful or very foolish. or both. But Durzas final accusation seems to have ended the game of words. Draco snaps his fingers and the sound Rings much louder than it should have. Like Mist in a gentle breeze an illusion falls away and reveals a PURPLE DRAGON. the two armies gasp. Broms mouth hangs open in shock. Durza turns to his army. "KILL HIM! KILL HIM NOW!" the urgals cahrge. but Draco raises his sword to them. "Serve me." Suddenly cracks split in the ground. they spider web up the walls and across the ceilings. then they widen. and out of them crawl the most horrible things ive ever seen. they, like human warriors. But entirely skeletal with transparent skin pulled over their bones. the Monsters poured through the broken ranks of the varden. ignoring men and dwarves. but fell on the urgals with an unholy ferocity. Hrothgar was the first to muster his forces. forming a shield wall behind Dracos army. Ajihad Followed suit. and at the center of the mele was Draco. he fought like a demon. swirling, twirling, hacking, slashing, stabbing. blending perfectly magic and swordsmanship. The purple Dragon was just as terrible. It was smaller than Saphira, but it seemed cleverer. fought more with speed and agility and clever maneuvering than with brute strength. Together they carve a path through the Urgals towards me and Durza. Durza raises his hand and a bolt of lightning flies towards Draco. But Draco catches the lighting on the tip of his sword and it vanishes. Durza turns Back to me And raises his sword. a look of rage upon his face. The isidar Mithrum shatters.
Whena Arya beholds the scene unfolding beneath the star sapphire she doesnt know what should shock her the most. The Army of Skeletons, The new Dragon, or the teenage boy who fights like five elves. "that is a conundrum that must be solved later." Saphira thinks to her. Arya agrees. except it turns out Eragon was not quite so helpless as she had thought. He had at the very least had the sense to take advantage of the diversion she had created and stabbed Durza through the heart. Suddenly the Urgals all stop. and flee back into the tunnels. The purple Dragon lands next to the black haired boy and they both look extremely dissapointed that the fight had ended so abruptly. the boy waves his sword and the skeletons begin crawling back into the fissures in the rock, which promptly close leaving no trace. Instinctively Arya reaches out with her mind and touches one as it passes. the feeling is horrible. Its thoughts are only of death. It turns and shrieks in rage. But a darkness falls over its mind. and it turns away from her and returns to its hole. I push the deeply unsettling feeling out of my mind As Saphira flys down to Eragon. The teen boy mounts his Dragon and flys over as well. ignoring the mass of soldiers staring at them in awe. He looks down at Eragon with a frown. "Are you hurt?" Eragon takes a moment to realise that the boy is speaking to him. "I, uh, no im not hurt." "well then get your ass off the ground." Eragon obeys. suddenly Brom puts his sword up to the boys neck. he does not react. "Who are you? How can you be a rider? Why did you really seek us out?" the boy rolls his eyes. "Put your sword down before you embarrass yourself. If i wanted to hurt you i would have done it by now. Besides" He nudges his direction in the direction of the mass of soldiers alll creping closer to us again. "this is not the place to discuss secret things."

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