Once more into the breech

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Nico and roran enter back into the forge. The villagers look grim. "So, How'd it go?" Nico asks. The villagers scowl. "They nearly burned the whole village." Hoarst responds solemnly. "when we asked for compensation the razac laughed us out of their tent." Nico shrugged. "I tried to warn you." Nico stated matter of factly." "Yes yes." Sloan sneers angrily." Your insight into the matter has been quite astute. the question is what do we do now." The assembled villagers began bickering back and forth until finally someone announced. "we have to turn Roran in and beg the Razacs mercy." "It wont work." Nico said disinterestedly. The villagers glare until he realisez they are waiting for an explanation. Nico sighs. "Ive dealth with the razac before and they are a great many things but merciful has never been one of them. the fact that Galbatorix sent them here means that he has already disavowed any obligation to your village. "Then we'll fight." Hoarst booms."

Nico and roran exchanged a look. they both understood it would be hopeless. they would have to leave palancar valley to escape the empire. but the villagers wouldn't understand until they had seen first hand that the empire wouldn't give up. "okay." Nico sighs. "if were going to fight we'll need .." His voice trails off as his body tenses. He takes one sharp step backwards just as a swirling portal opens up right above where he had been standing. The villagers gape as three bodies fall out of the whole face first. as they get up and begin dusting themselves off Nico recognizes Jason, Reyna and Will. Will looks around at all the villagers then finally his eyes land on nico and he frowns. "Uhm. Hey will." Nico says calmly. Will raises an eyebrow. "Hey Will? Is that all you have to say for yourself?" Will begins to say something else. most likely a big lecture about how Nico should take better care of himself but Nico cuts him off. "Will, this isn't really a great time." Nico explains about the attack on carvahall. as his friends listen. "Well." Reyna says smirking. Coach hedge was worried this quest would be boring. at least that wont be a problem." Nicos eyes widen in horror. "You brought hedge! but hes gonna " A lound crash as coach hedge falls through the portal which closes behind him. he looks around, raises his club, and screams charging at the closest villager. it took all four of them to subdue the murderous goat.

Nico didn't bother telling his friends to get lost. he knew they wouldn't leave him alone in this situation. and though he would never admit it he didn't actually want them to leave. He also didn't question how they had managed to get here. Sadie kane must have narked on him. Nico could feel achilles in his head, amused at Nicos boyish crush. but he ignored it. within an hour all the villagers had been armed and they began spreading out to ambush the soldiers.

The battle went well enough. The soldiers had let their guard down thinking they were only facing unarmed farmers. but with the leadership of the demigods the villagers managed to force them out and took no casualties. nico himself went straight for the razac. the two demons were strong at night but so was he. he mathed them blade for blade and blow for blow until finally bronze arrows began zipping past him and impailing the razac. they turned and ran. Nico turns around to see will standing with his bow drawn. he looses one last arrow which impails one of the razac in the buttocks. Nico rolls his eyes."I had it under control." Will smirks. "yeah, and I gave you a little help."

The sream pierced the night. the villagers came running in time to see katrina being dragged away by the razac and they could only watch helplessly as they flew away. "I tried to warn you." Nico said coldly. "I told you what had to be done." Will had stitched up rorans armwith a little bit of nectar, which worked on every living thing here because of the magic that permeated everything. Roran got to his feet and marched to the village square and gave a speech convincing everyone to leave. Suddenly Nico felt a strong arm wrap around his shoulders. "Don't think were done talking about how you just bailed on me." Will whispered in his ear. Nico rolled his eyes.' "I did my three days in the infirmary." "Yeah." will agreed. "But it would have been nice if you at least said good bye." Skeletal butterflies fluttered up inside nico.

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