The boy who came from nowhere.

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Eragon wakes to find himself bound and gagged. He reaches around to find any word of power to free himself.  But hes startled to realize he cant think of any. "They must have drugged me." He realized. He looks over to see Brom similarly bound and just coming to then he look over to see Saphira. She chained at the ankles and muzzled. Fury wells up in Eragon. First over the treatment of his dragon. Then his own helplessness. "You will serve Gallbatorix now." Hisses the first Ra Zac. "Or you will die" hisses the other.

Neither of those things happened. Instead two things happened instead a human like shape materialised out of the darkness and tackled the first Ra Zac. This, understandably, startled the second Razac shitless, who then fell backward and landed on his ass. The two Creatures recovered quickly though. And drew their swords. The newcomer drew his own blade. The appearance of it seemed to make the Razac uneasy. The creatures lunged. The boy parried their blows with expert swordsmanship. Then he side steps and twists. Reflexively the Razac adjust their position. Arrows start flying from the darkness. Striking the Razac even as the boy continues to batter the the Razac with his blade. Finally the two turn and run to their steeds. At the last moment one of the Ra Zac turns and throws a dagger. with a yell Brom jumps in front of Eragon. But it was in vain. The Razac had been aiming not for him, but at the boy who had appeared from nowhere. Quick as an elf he reaches out and catches the blade in mid air.

Once the Razac have fled. The boy  turns to a cluster of trees in the distance and mouthing something that might have been a spell snapped his fingers. A wind blew through the clearing and Eragon sensed power flowing with it. Then a shimmer. Not really a shimmer, more like the shadow of a shimmer. The kind of thing where you could convince yourself that you had almost seen it, rose from the cluster of trees and followed the Ra Zac.  Another figure rose from the  bushes and entered the clearing. While the new person walked over to him and Brom and began sawing their bonds with his Knife. The swordsman walks over to Saphira. With a slash of his blade he cuts the shackles around her ankles, then proceeds to each of the others in turn.finally he strikes the muzzle and the mangled metal falls from her snout. Then Ersgon passed out again. When he woke his two saviors were sitting around a roaring fire with Saphira standing nearby. When he sees Eragon wake the archer stands collects his things and departs.

"Good morning." Says the swordsman" Eragon tries to respond but he still cant think clearly.The boy mutters a few words in the ancient language and eragon feels his mind clear. Suddenly Brom wakes and Eragon realizes the spell must have worked on him too. Brom snarles. "You're the one who was talking to the herbalist." "Yep the boy agrees." "You've been following us." Brom growles. "Yep" the boy agrees again. This startles Brom and Eragon as they had both expected him to deny having done any such thing. "For how long? Eragon asks since about a week after you left therinsford." "Why?" Asks Brom. The boy raises his eyebrow. "I was in the pub when Roran was told about the death of youre uncle. I decided to follow you and see if i could help." Realization dawns on Eragon. "You're the one who killed the Urgals." He nods. "And who was your companion?" The boy shrugs. I met him in draw Leona. He has his own beef with the empire so he agreed to help rescue youre sorry asses from the Ra Zac. Nope hes making his way down to Surda." Eragon, Brom, And Saphira have a quick mental conversation and decide they can trust the newcomer. "By what name can we call you sir?" Brom asks. As the boy serves dinner. The boy stops with a piece of bread inches from his mouth. "I can go by many names or none at all depending on who you ask." The boy replies. "For now you can call me Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."

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