Visions in the Night

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Achilles flies silently behind the Razac. Nicos God Mist shadow Magic will conceal him. He cant be seen, Heard, Smelled, or sensed. It takes a lot of the fun out of the hunt. But its imperative for this Mission. follow the Razac. See if they go any where interesting or do anything worth knowing about. So far it had payed off well. The Razac had not returned to Dras Leona but were instead flying north. Achilles relays this info to Nico. Most Dragons and riders would have been much too far apart to communicate at this point. But Nico was strong on the spirit plane. Even Now He could sense Nicos dreams. He was in a dram argument with the herb witch Angela. Achilles could not understand why the silly blue dragon had hatched for an average farm boy who had no power other than what she herself gave him. But Nico! He had proven himself time and time again. Plus, the two were perfect counterparts. Nico was powerful, yes. But he was insecure and lacked confidence. Who better to teach him that than a dragon. Likewise, dragons were good at breaking and tearing and slashing and burning. But Nico understood subtlety. Lying in wait. Lurking in the shadows and moving pieces into place untill the time is right to attack.

Finally the Razac land at the town called Gilead and enter the citadel. Achilles flies around to a window were he can see what's going on inside. The Razac are speaking to a shade. "So..." He says. A teenage boy materialised out of the darkness?" "Yes." the Razac hissed.  "And there's something else. He carried a black blade of the styx." The shade stopped pacing. "Are you sure." He asked sounding worried. "Of course. We could sense the death on it," "If a child of the underworld has come to alagaesia..." The shade growled. "Go report to the king. but don't mention about the boy." The two Razac depart and the shade walks over to a cell. An elf is chained inside. "Ill have to advance my plans for you." Then he walks away. Achilles quickly interupts Nicos dream and they agree on a course of action. Achilles flys up and begins smashing the roof to pieces.


Eragons dream places him in the middle of a stone amphitheater.  The seats are full of tennage kids with a roaring campfire in the middle. The only adult around is a bearded man. At first Eragon doesn't notice anything unusual about him, but then realizes that instead of legs his waist is graphed onto a horses body. A tall tan blonde haired boy is speaking to the group. " We need to send someone after him." Hes saying. " After everything hes done for us we cant just let him leave forever." "I agree." Says a tall black haired girl about Eragons age. "But we dont even know where it is he went." At this point a bot with black hair and green eyes shoots to his feet. "Don't ask me. The kid never tells me anything. I'm not his type." A collective groan goes out from the group. The blonde girl sitting next to him buries her face in her hands. "Do you want to be his type Percy. Is that something your interested in." "No!" Percy exclaims. "I mean not that i think there's anything wrong with it. I mean not that ive ever thought about it. I mean not that there's anything wrong with thinking about it. I mean ..." the3 entire group breaks out laughing as the blonde girl grasps his hand. "Just stop talking seaweed brain." " If you two are finished it turns out i know exactly where he is." Everyone looks  at him with shock evident on their faces. He pulls a scroll of parchment out of his pocket. "I stole this from his filing cabinet in the underworld."  He passes the scroll to the horse man who examines it carefully. "You understand don't you Will That this will be perhaps the most dangerous quest ever appointed. Including the last five years." Will Nods. "Very well then." Sighs the horse man. "Rachel. Whenever your ready." A red headed girl closes her eyes and a greenish glow begins to emanate from her. But before Eragon can see what's happening the dream ends and he wakes with a start.


Angela is sitting around a campfire i the foothills of the beer mountains. Solemnbum napping nearby. She looks up. "Now Now Nico. Do you really have nothing better to dream about than me?" Nico shrugs. "Apparently not." Angela grabs a leather pouch. "Let me throw the bones for you. You would never embark on a guest in your own world without a prophecy. Nico scowls. "I dont want to know my future. I dont have any future. I just want to fade into the background." Angela smiles sadly. "You know better than that Nico. Please. Let me cast the bones. Nico looks down at the ground. then ever so slightly nods. Angel casts the bones then examines them. "I see struggles, trials, great dangers and epic battles." "Oh my. I'm shocked." Says Nico flatly.  Angela examines the Bones more intently than gazes into Nicos eyes.

Two must die but three may be saved

and for one the inevitable merely delayed

King of ghosts to a village in need of aid

with a hearts true love too long delayed

fate shall not be disobeyed

and the tyrant king must be slayed

Then Achilles brushes against Nicos mind. and he pulls away from angela.

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