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"Ka-kun...." Akiara held Kaoru's shirt while they watch the outdoor screening of a movie "...This... uhh can we go now?"

"Are you scared?" Kaoru teased as a jump scare was shown

"Ah!" Akiara hugged Kaoru's arm "Yeah I am!"

Kaoru turned at the time it was hardly fifteen minutes of the movie, but he got uo and gathered their things while Akiara followed him. Instead of a driver Kaoru brought his own car to drive, so they went inside after placing their stuff in the backseat "Sorry Ki-chan, I thought you would be fine with that"

"No I actually think I would too.. so it was ny fault" Akiara sighed "I'm sorry that I asked to leave early even though you finished the movie I picked"

"It's fine, I wasn't that into that movie anyway" Kaoru chuckled "At least now I know where not to take you. Want to go to an ice cream shop nearby?"

"I'd love that" Akiara said

(In the distance)

Kyoya is inside a hotel right beside the outdoor movie that Akiara and Kaoru are. Kyoya's in the top floor merely glancing at them "You're having a bad date, but you're happy with him? If you went with me all schedules will be met no problem, I'll do everything to make it all perfect"

(Back to the date)

"Oh what a lovely couple" The ice cream seller said as he gave Kaoru and Akiara some ice cream "A little late for ice cream huh?"

"Yeah. We were watching on the outdoor movie over there across the street" Kaoru said then looked at Akiara who was already eating half of the ice cream "And a little cutie pie here got scared"

Akiara blushed and playfully slapped Kaoru's shoulder "I was just startled"

"Sure you were" Kaoru teased

From across the street Kyoya made him self known to Kaoru while Akiara was facing Kaoru. Kaoru noticed as he watched Kyoya to a shop, Kaoru mentally sighed knowing what Kyoya wanted "Ki-chan. There's this food I'm going to buy for us, wait for me here?"

"I want to go with you" Akiara said

"Eh? Then it won't be a surprise~ I want to buy something special~" Kaoru said. It was actually true because the shop that Kyoya entered was a candy store with custom candy for different client. Kaoru playfully hugged her "Do you want me to stay with you that bad?"

Akiara blushed and pouted "Fine I'll wait for you"

"Thanks, I won't take long, if I do I owe you a kiss" Kaoru pinched her cute pouting face and started to walk away

Akiara mumbled as she sat down on a bench finishing her ice cream "Owe me a kiss huh...."


On the way to the candy store Kaoru quickly finished his ice cream. When he entered he saw Kyoya sitting on a chair, Kyoya probably ordered something. Before Kaoru sat next to him he ordered something for Akiara

"She'll probably won't date you again" Kyoya said while Kaoru sat next to him, Kyoya decided to go straight to the point now "I've heard you had to wait in line for the first movie you went with her, it was crowded and you only had one popcorn. The second movie was obviously a fail when you didn't even finish it plus she got scared... and you were on the ground with just a blanket. After that you went to buy some commoner's ice cream, and didn't even have a seat. Now you're making her wait at a bench?"

Kaoru rolled his hands to a fist and sighed before relaxing again "The fact that you were stalking us will undoubtebly make her more furious" Kaoru chuckled then he smiled "But you know our date is not perfect but that's ok"

"Are you out of your mind? A date should be perfect, if you like her you should treat her like a queen correct?" Kyoya asked, he was shocked at Kaoru's mind of being optimistic

"Of course that's right. But if my queen doesn't like things that are too formal and royalty like, then as long as she's happy all of it is fine" Kaoru said. Then a staff came and handed them what they ordered

Kaoru stood up after receiving the candy

"Let me do you a favor and have her eat this" Kyoya pushed the candy he ordered forward to Kaoru "You don't know her taste, but I've researched what taste she likes best. Let me show to you that she'll like what I pick better"

Kaoru looked at the bag then at Kyoya "No thanks, Ki-chan and I are having this date to get to know better, I don't need to research it, I'll just find out as time goes by. If she doesn't like this candy then I know what she doesn't like, if she does then I'll know what she likes. It's simple Kyoya. Time"

"Time? You mean make time for her? But I've already research so many, I don't need to get to know her that much" Kyoya said as he skimmed through files of his phone

"Sometimes research can come out wrong. You have to be in that moment to know the truth" Kaoru walked away after paying the candy "Try it with another girl in the future"


Akiara stood up as Kaoru got near to her "Sorry Ki-chan I made you wait"

Akiara smiled "It's fine Ka-kun, you didn't take long, just in time for me to finish the second serving of ice cream"

"You ordered again? You must really like it then" Kaoru gave her the bag "It's candy, I got it for you"

Akiara opened the bag and it was a candy on the shape of a dog "Oh hey, Kinda looks like you!"

"Adorable isn't it?" Kaoru asked

"Yeah. Thanks" Akiara tasted it "Oh? Caramel? It's been a while since I've had caramel, I like it"

"Really can I taste it?" Kaoru asked, he opened his mouth and took a bite of the candy without warning

"Hey!" Akiara stretched her hand opposite to Kaoru so the candy was out of reach "Don't suddenly bite it"

"Ah, sorry can I have another bite?" Kaoru asked as he hugged her and gently grabbed her arm to pull it closer as he took another bite

"Hey" Akiara chuckled and got out of his grasp, she protectively hid it at first then just ate it all completely "Oops there's no more"

"I thought you said it looked like me? You liked me that much? Would you like to taste the real thing?" Kaoru teased

Akiara blushed

In the distance Kyoya watched over them. He was sure Akiara wouldn't like the candy Kaoru gave her, I mean she only seldom eats caramel. The candy he has which is chocolate was a sure win for him and he knows it, especially since it was heart shaped, every girl would want that... but it isn't very unique, he wouldn't be able to know that Akiara liked caramel too

Kyoya sighed and looked at Akiara and Kaoru, it was an imperfect date but they were enjoying it. "Time... I guess I should try it but not with another woman"

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