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"Akiara... why are you all here?" Haruhi asked as the host club plus Akiara stood infront of her apartment complex

Akiara stood next to Kaoru and Honey as she wore a white shirt paired with a red jacket and black pants plus sneakers "Oh. Kaoru told me about it, apparently they convinced you to let them visit while I was doing some projects of mine"

"......Just go home" Haruhi said to the others

"Aw come on" Kaoru said

"We've come all this way" Hikaru said. Even though Kaoru is courting Akiara, Hikaru and Kaoru still do their twin thing

"Honey" Akiara said

"Yes!" Honey saluted and brought out some cake "We brought this! We have enough for all of us!"


(Inside Haruhi's home)

"Not bad" Akiara said as she sat on the floor "It's cozy"

"Yeah but it's a little small for all of you here" Haruhi said as she makes some tea

"Aki" Kyoya said. Akiara mentally sighed as she looked over at Kyoya. Kyoya showed her the cakes "Which one do you want?"

"..Vanilla cake" Akiara replied as Kyoya got her the cake

"I never knew you like vanilla cake. In the past you like chocolate a lot" Kyoya said as he got a cake of his own

"Well I don't like it anymore" Akiara replied nonchalantly

"I see.." Kyoya said then he turned his attention to the tea Haruhi bought

Akiara brushed the moment off for now and went to her own tea. She was glad Kyoya wasn't doing anything to annoy her again, it has been a while since it was just calm between them

"Ki-chan, want some?"

Akiara turned back to Kaoru

"Kaoru you coming down?" Hikaru asked

"It seems Ki-chan fell asleep" Kaoru said. Akiara leaned on Kaoru's shoulder as she slept, Kaoru combed her hair a bit the scooted her to carry her down

"I don't think it's a good idea to carry her, you might wake her up you know, she's a bit sensitive" Kyoya said while he stood up

"Kyoya don't bother-"

"It's just a piece of advice nothing more" Kyoya walked out of the room leaving Kaoru to figure out what he should do


"Oh my you woke up?"

"You are.... Haruhi's father?" Akiara asked

"Ranka is fine. You've had a pretty good sleep there"

"I'm sorry" Akiara looked around and saw the others getting ready to leave while she lies down on a futon on the living room

"It's fine dear, now would you like to come with us to the supermarket?" Ranksa asked

"I guess so" Akiara said as she stood up. She turned to Kaoru and said "Thanks for not waking me up or moving me much, I would have probably slapped you if you did. I hadn't gotten a good sleep you see"

"No problem" Kaoru said as he looked over at Kyoya for a second

(At their walk to the supermarket)

Akiara was chatting with Haruhi's father while Kaoru and Kyoya were behind the group talking "Where did you get that information? Researched it?" Kaoru asked Kyoya

"Well no. Actually I learned it through my years with her. I may not know her taste now but I'm pretty sure some of her habits are still the same. This one being she slept in the middle of the day which she doesn't normally do means that she'll get angry when you wake her" Kyoya said and he smiled "I beat you there huh?"

"Beat me? Is this a competition?" Kaoru asked

"Well I'm not saying she's the prize but I would love to have her again"  Kyoya said

"I thought I told you to find different woman?" Kaoru asked. He was clearly irritated but tried keeping calm so he wouldn't say it loud for Akiara to hear

"Well Akiara is a different woman as she was before you know"

"Seriously word play?" Kaoru rolled his eyes

"Why not?" Kyoya smirked. He can't walking leaving Kaoru to just glare at his back "Aki. Careful" Kyoya pointed at moss that she was about to step on

"Oh thanks Kyoya" Akiara said then went back to talking to Ranka

(At the supermarket)

Kyoya was looking over some commoners coffee when Kaoru stood next to him "I don't understand why you want her back now?"

"Well I was the one who asked her to be my girlfriend in the first place. I've always liked her but I sorta forgot that halfways when I was young and just decided to vent my anger out. When she left me... I was lonely. I tried contacting her but she would never answer, I lost all connections to her for years... until she came to me at the host club. I can't say I still have feelings for her after so long of not seeing but I cherish her more that others... and I especially do not want her to have a relationship with you. I really think I can do better"

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