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"Hm?" Akiara walked through the hall and saw Nekozawa walking in his club. Before he got in completely she decided to call out to him "Neko, lost something?"

"Oh... hi Aki" Nekozawa asked. They weren't childhood friends like Kyoya but they know each other and spoke to eachother from time to time..... and they're actually present day neighbors

"Wasn't Kirimi coming here today?" Akiara asked

"Yeah... she was... I'm looking for her" Nekozawa said while he enters his clubroom and leaves the door open for Akiara

Akiara entered and closed the door while Nekozaws took off his robe and wig. It honestly fascinated Akiara when she first saw what was under that robe and wig. To put it simply... he's pretty "Can I borrow this?"

"Sure" Nekozawa said while he drinks water as Akiara puts on the robe and wig. After Nekozawa drinked water he saw Akiara "Hm... not bad.. join our club?"

"I already have a club... the host club apparently" Akiara rolled her eyes but was unseen by Nekozawa through the wig. She placed Belzenef on a little makeshift bed when she's around since Nekozawa actually talks to Akiara without Belzenef

"Speaking of... I haven't checked the host club" Nekozawa peaked through the door connecting them to the host club and saw Kirimi "Kirimi~ Kirimi~"

"Geez that voice" Akiara sighed at Nekozawa creepily calling out to Kirimi

"Kirimi" Nekozawa peaked out forgetting his robe and wig

Akiara almost freaked out but his maid and butler quickly dressed him up. He may ne handsome but light is still an enemy for him "You should be more careful Neko" Akiara stepped out and stood next to him

"There's two of them!" Tamaki pointed out

"The curse doubles!" Hikaru said

"Oh no!" Kaoru said

"The voice though" Honey pondered while sitting on Mori's shoulder

"Aki I never would've imagined you like black magic" Kyoya said as he eyed her from top to bottom

"I didn't join I just borrowed it" Akiara said while she takes off the wig and pulls down the hood. Nekozawa's butler took the wig from her and excused himself

"AKI?!" Tamaki asked

"Obviously" Haruhi said

"Aki-nee!" Kirimi ran over to Akiara after the Nekozawa family maid failed to persuade Kirimi to go home

"Hey there princess!" Akiara greeted and carried Kirimi on her arms "You should go home now, you'll be late for dinner"

"I don't wanna! I found my big brother!" Kirimi pointed at Tamaki

"Kirimi. We've all told you that Umehito here is your brother" Akiara pointed at Nekozawa

"My brother is a prince!" Kirimi whined

Hikaru and Kaoru then went and tried to remove Nekozawa's robe "Show her your princely look!"

"Hey both of you stop!" Akiara glared at the two. The twins flinced and stoped

"Then let's just make the room darker" Honey said as he pulled the curtains

"Waaaaahhh!!!" Kirimi whined

Honey had to stop what he was doing and let Akiara stop Kirimi from crying first "Kirimi sit here for a while" Akiara placed Kirimi on the couch already senseing that their family made will tell the backstory of the siblings... again

"Actually their story is quite tragic-" The head maid of the Nekozawa family started to say. But Akiara just zoned it out already hearing it for a hundred time now. Sure the story is indeed sad but it's just been repeating everytime they see eachothef

"Why do I feel like I haven't seen Renge recently? I feel as though she wants to hear this sort of thing" Haruhi said while the maid finishes up the story

"Oh....." Akiara scratched the back of her head

"...I've heard that Akiara's father caught wind of what Renge had done... almost... the film thing to Akiara..." Mori said "She's apparently having some trouble now"

"Is Akiara's father a real big deal?" Haruhi asked

"Oh you have no idea" Everyone in the room said except for Akiara and Haruhi

"The influence that man has is crazy!" Honey said while Mori nodded "...oh and he also has some of the greatest bodyguards"

"Our mom knows him too" Kaoru said "She ask him for some contact for some runaways abroad I think"

"But we haven't personally met him" Hikaru said

"Anyways... going back to Neko" Akiara said as everyone brought their attention back to Nekozawa "Let's help him"

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