Fluff: Part 4

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Context: A bit into the future, when obviously they haven't admitted feelings and that [because no OTP ever does that for some goddamn reason] but they kiss and stuff- probably not full out make-outs yet but hey we take it step by step, it's more like pecks here and there.

"No, angel!" Crowley whined as Aziraphale picked up the phone and gave a sympathetic sorry to Crowley with his eyes.

"It's my landlord for the bookshop" Aziraphale mouthed as he greeted the man on the other end of the receiver.

"You could've just bought this land like I did with mine, Angel," Crowley mumbled, more to himself rather than to Aziraphale.

The two celestial beings were sitting on the bed, in the little old room that came with the bookshop.

"Hurry up," Crowley whispered softly, as he pulled himself close to Aziraphale and wrapped his arms around him.

"Lovely day today, isn't it! ...Yes, so I think next week it perfect for that...I understand that you want those- definitely, yes...I expect so... I understand that they need to be fixed..." he stammered, as he felt a bite on his ear.

"Upon my word! ...Very understandable that- Oh!- Yes sorry sir," Aziraphale exclaimed mid-sentence, glaring at Crowley.

Crowley smiled his way out of apologising the mark he made on Aziraphale's neck.

"Anything else, sir?" Aziraphale asked, pushing Crowley's face into the pillow.

The reply come in the form of hearty laughter: "No, good sir! But do go and enjoy yourselves, you deserve it."

"Pardon me?" Asked Aziraphale.

Meanwhile, Crowley had beat the battle to sit up between himself and Aziraphale's hand. "Thanks!" he smiled, cutting the call.

"So, angel, you need to quieten down," Crowley began, smirking.

"I can't help but giggle when you kiss my neck."

"You also squeak."

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