Chapter 11

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The car was silent as August drove his car to a destination that was still unknown to me. I sat in the backseat, watching the trees and other scenery pass by while Nova had taken the passenger seat. We had left our city behind about thirty minutes or so ago, winding through roads I hadn't even known existed before now. 

My body felt drained but my mind wouldn't slow down. I had so many questions and very little information, my thoughts running wild, getting tangled around themselves. A headache was beginning to form behind my eyes but I ignored it, thankful for even the slightest distraction. I was beginning to think they would soon become a normal part of my life.

After what felt like another hour, we turned onto what appeared to be a small gravel road. Trees ran thick along the side, towering overhead and blocking out the sun. It was almost as if we were going down a magickal tunnel. 

As we broke through the trees, the sight that lay before us took my breath away. It was a large stone structure, several stories high, with elegant arches and gothic peaks. As we got closer I could tell the stones were worn smooth by the weather and vines wrapped themselves around the columns that supported the porch. This home had to be over a hundred years old but it was still one of the most gorgeous places I had ever seen.

"Holy shit! Is that a tower?" Nova exclaimed from the front seat as he leaned forward to look through the windshield. He looked over at August, his eyes wide. "Like an actual fucking tower?!"


"Nevada, there's a tower!" Nova twisted around in his seat to look at me, his eyes lit with excitement as if he had just gotten a present on Christmas day.

I was stunned and could only manage a smile in return. The place was absolutely beautiful and I could feel the magick in the air. It was all around, blanketing us gently as we made our way through the grounds. It was a sanctuary tucked away from the world, a safe haven. I definitely felt safe here, even though my mind urged me to stay cautious and alert, the rest of me felt completely safe and at ease. 

We pulled around the side and into a garage, the door closing behind us. August opened his door without a word to either of us and retrieved our bags from the trunk before disappearing through a door in front of the car. After a quick glance at each other, Nova and I quickly followed him inside.

We found ourselves in a short hallway that led into a sitting room. I was surprised by the more modern look, having expected everything to be antique. There was a leather couch with a matching loveseat, a dark gray recliner, and a large oval coffee table in the center of the room. All of it was centered around a large fireplace that was situated on the right side of the room. Several bookshelves were placed around the room, all completely stocked with books.

August had placed our bags in the recliner and was bent over the fireplace. I considered mentioning that it was summertime and might be a bit too warm for a fire, but I decided I didn’t feel up to an argument, so I let it go.

"Whose place is this?" I asked in awe as I continued to look around the room.

"Mine," August replied without looking up.

"It's beautiful," I told him honestly as I moved around the room, glancing at him in surprise. 

I glimpsed a good sized entryway through the wide doorway behind the couch. There was a closed door on the other side of the entryway from where I stood, another hall, and a set of stairs that I assumed led to the other floors and bedrooms. The quickly fading daylight that shone through the windows didn't allow for much detail.

Turning  away, I took a seat on the couch and noticed that August had finally started a fire in the fireplace. I rested my head against the back cushions and closed my eyes, feeling the gentle heat caress my skin melting away some if the days tension.

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