Chapter 30

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Nevada's hand felt small in mine, her skin warm in contrast to my own as minute vibrations erupted upon contact. The sensation swept up my arm and I clenched my jaw to refrain myself from pressing her against me. I could hear her delicate heart beating erratically in her chest as she allowed me to silently lead her through Ashira's cottage.

The voices of Dominic and Alana were coming from the kitchen as dishes clinked against one another while the couple argued over proper chili eating etiquette. Ashira must have been with them as her easy laughter joined the sound of their bickering. Fighting the smile that threatened to appear, I pushed through the front door and out onto the porch.

"Who eats chili with a spoon?" Nevada grumbled with a glance over her shoulder. I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped me which only earned me a glare in return. "Don't laugh at me, August. It's an honest question."

I didn't answer right away, choosing instead to lead her around the side of the cottage along a small path worn into the grass over the years. I wasn't sure how she would feel if she knew which of her parents she had sounded like just then. However, the thought of the other conversation we needed to have was painful because I had no idea where we stood anymore. Then again, I had never actually been sure of anything when it had come to her, except for the fact that she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

The garden at the back of the cottage was small but cozy and intimate, the flowers lush and vibrant. A warm breeze caused the fragile petals and stems to sway lightly as if they were dancing to celebrate our arrival. I had never cared to learn the different names and uses of the plants, deciding instead to enjoy the beauty they offered to the world.

A small stone path led from the back corner of the garden and down a slight incline towards the lake that spread wide behind Ashira's home. Nova was slowly making his way towards it and I assumed he was looking for Hatter who was sitting at the edge of the small pier a ways away.

The urge to stop Nova and make him go back inside swelled in my chest but I fought it down. I had other matters to attend to and Hatter was a grown man who could take care of himself. Despite the fact that the two of us tended to frequently butt heads, I wanted to protect him from going through anymore pain than he already had.

"Where did you go just now?" Nevada ask, her voice soothing the tension coiling in my muscles.

I glanced down at her before helping her sit in a chair that accompanied a small table in the center of the small oasis. A coy pond with a little fountain was a few feet away, the gentle trickling of water adding to the relaxing atmosphere.

"I'm right here, don't worry," I reassured her before changing the subject. "Alana eats chili with a spoon."

Nevada looked at me in puzzlement for a moment before her eyes lit with realization.

"I'm not sure what I have more issue with; the fact that Dominic and I have something in common or the fact that she uses a spoon," she admitted begrudgingly while nibbling on her bottom lip, instantly drawing my eyes to them. "What about you?"

"What about me?" I asked distractedly.

"Do you eat chili with a fork or a spoon?" Nevada pressed, a hint of impatience leaking into her voice.

"I'm not sure," I replied as I struggled to focus on the conversation while my mind wanted to drift in other directions. "I can't remember the last time I had chili."

"What? You can't actually be serious."

I nodded. "I haven't really needed to eat in centuries, love, so I haven't exactly paid attention."

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