Chapter 6

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I looked over August's shoulder and saw Nova shooting daggers at the guy from the bar, his new boss it seemed, with his eyes. The guy wasn't looking at him or even acknowledging anything he had said, but was instead looking out into the darkness with a look of shock on his face. Before I could think too far into it, my thoughts were drowned out by pain shooting up my arm and blossoming across my back.

I clenched my jaw against the pain as tears pricked my eyes but I willed myself to keep it together. Now was not the time to fall apart over a scratch. I looked down at my arm and a whimper escaped my lips despite my best efforts when I saw the deep gash steadily oozing blood from the wolf bite. I could only imagine what my back looked like.

"Can you stand?" Nova asked coming to kneel beside me, momentarily ignoring his boss's presence.

Nova's lip was busted and he had a small cut above his left eye. His body was radiating tension and power, but his eyes were soft with concern. I gave him a small reassuring smile and nodded.

"Yeah, I think so," I answered but I wasn't entirely sure how successful I would be. I just needed to make it to the car a few yards away.

"And who are you?" Nova asked directing the question to August, his voice laced with suspicion.

"This is August," I answered for him but didn't offer any other information. I had no idea what he was doing here although I couldn't deny that I was happy to see him.

The two of them helped me to my feet in silence, Nova watching every move August made the entire time. I grunted against the fire that blazed through my back as I stood. I wanted nothing more than to go home and fall into bed letting sleep overtake me, forgetting the events of today.

"Why are you here?" I asked, looking at August when he opened the door of Nova's car.

"You needed help, Ms. Warren," he answered with something unreadable in his eyes. "So, I helped."

"But why? And please stop calling me that. It makes me feel old," I grumbled as I eyed the seat. It wasn't going to feel great sitting in it and I definitely wasn't looking forward to it.

Nova watched as August helped me into the seat and I managed not to scream when I sat back. Once he was satisfied I was okay, he looked back at August.

"I'm not sure who you are or how you know her but thanks for helping out," Nova told him sounding a bit uncomfortable. He turned his head and narrowed his eyes. "Wish you hadn't brought him though."

He mumbled the last sentence and I barely caught the words but I didn't miss the glare that was reciprocated from the other man. When Nova turned around to get into the car, the guy smirked at his back.

"Are you going to answer me?" I asked quietly once I turned my attention back to August. "Why did you help us?"

August looked at me, his eyes roaming over my face and my body, the intensity of his gaze almost tangible. I bit my lip and watched as his silver orbs followed the action, darkening slightly before he looked away. I fought back my disappointment, knowing I was in no shape to flirt at the moment, forget kissing a stranger.

"It's what I do, Princess. The Lost Prince has my allegiance and so do you." August looked at Nova who stiffened. "Both of you."

And with that he was gone, his vampire speed taking him to the other side of the parking lot where the other vampire joined him seconds later. I looked over at Nova, his face pale and his eyes filled with a mix of fear and astonishment. I had no idea what was going on with him or what August had meant but I planned to find out.

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