1.Old Friends

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Narrator point of view :

Many things were slowly settling since our dear couples have married. A new wedding coming soon, was Cana's, who eventually was going to marry  her boyfriend.

Laxus, who had been named as the 7th Master of the Guild, had since shown great skills and strength; Gramps Makarov, altough very old, was still there to advice and support his beloved children, and the many new grandchildren who were born in these last years.
Mirajane, as we know, had a little girl named Electra , who was about 2 years old now, and her eldest son, Makus, was 5. They lived in an apartment built within the Guild, on a side wing. Mirajane was still as beautiful as ever, and a very doting and caring mother. She was most time still the bartender, but had also to go on special missions, usually with Erza, or as part of the Raijin unit.

Laxus was very proud of his children ; though he seldom showed his feelings publicly, he was totally besotted with daddy's little girl, and very proud as well of his son, a true Drayer indeed ! The boy was already fierce and strong, he was already showing a great potential. But we'll see more about this later...

1. Old friends

Meanwhile, at the Redfox's home... Levy had her hands quite full with her two twin boys, growing and showing everyday how much alike they were as their father ; they had inherited the Dragon's Slayers force, but for the moment they were too young to train. Never the less, sometimes it was hard for their parents to deal with their force and energy ! Even Gajeel, sometimes, was exhausted. Luckily, little Emma, their big sister, now 5 years old, was much more like her mom...

One afternoon ...

Gajeel pdv :

-What tha hell Jade !! I'm gonna put ya under arrest, ya lil' devil, you hearme ?? Told ya spoons aren't for snacks ! - Ghee this boy's gonna drive me insane, ya lil tiny dragon-shrimp ! But,hard to keep frowned when I see his cute face...

- Ya, Lilly, please go see if Shrimp's done with that work of hers... I could really do with a break, by the way, kinda need some Iron too, time to eat !-

He just got to their kitchen, when a tiny blue haired bundle jumped over his back, from the shelf.

- Gosh ! Gail, wanna fight with dad, ya boy?Ya scared me,don't jump like that again ! -

- Daddy, I want to learn how to Iron-fist , so I can be stronger than Jade-chan ! I want to be as strong as you, and protect mommy and Emma-niichan !- the 3 year todler looked excited holding his tiny arms around his father's neck.

- Ya wanna fight do ya ? Not yet sonny ; ya know yer mom thinks you two are too young yet. But wanna good news buddy ? This evening we're having friends home ! Oncle Natsu and Lucy are coming over with  Igneer and Nashi-chan ! And I know ya like to play with her right ?-

The little boy's face brightened up instantly as he heard the news ; he jumped down, and ran to tell his brother about it ! They both admired a lot oncle Natsu, and little Igneer-chan played as a big brother with them ; they also liked little Nashi-chan, she was a cute and cheeky little girl, and Jade had a soft spot for her already ! And Emma-nii liked Igneer, they were best freinds since birth.

The little boy's face brightened up instantly as he heard the news ; he jumped down, and ran to tell his brother about it ! They both admired a lot oncle Natsu, and little Igneer-chan played as a big brother with them ; they also liked little Nash...

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Lilly looked at the little kids all excited, he loved them fondly and took care of them whenever their parents were off or busy.

Levy pov :

« I'm glad to see Lucy-chan this evening, it's been a while... the kids are really driving me crazy some days. Gajeel is such a wonderful dad, and such a caring husband...I feel so lucky to have him » Hey, where's my favourite Iron Dragon ?

- I'm done with the search I had to do for Freed... need a hug from my man, before we start preparing things for this evening -

She kissed her husband, who was already wearing an apron, and heading to the kitchen.

-Gheehe Lev'... If we had more time... did ya remember what we did on that shelf, I bet these two were made that day ! - he teased Levy who blushed furiously but couldn't stop giggling.

Schh ! You dummy !! Don't want the kids to hear us... sure, if we had time... oh damn you, baka ! Now I'm having some embarrassing flashbacks !! Please, behave well this time, no teasing or pranks with Natsu, ok ? Can we just enjoy a well deserved evening with friends, while the kids play ?- She looked serious at Gajeel, who felt a little bad thinking about the last time.

- Yes Shrimp, I promise ya everything will go smoothly , ya got my word !

Gajeel was surprisingly very good at cooking ; he helped a lot preparing the dishes and snacks for their guests. Right in time, everything was ready when they heard the doorbell.

Levy rushed : Coming !! - smiling widely to her friends.

-Hello, come in Lucy,Natsu ! So nice to see you again guys !

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-Hello, come in Lucy,Natsu ! So nice to see you again guys !

Lucy was smiling, she was wearing a short pale pink dress and beige leggins with close high heeled brown shoes ,her long blond hair in a high ponytail ; as usual she kept a belt with her Celestial Spirit's keys at her side. Natsu, quite as usual, wearing a white shirt, black sleeved jaket and black wide pants, with boots. They greeted and got at ease, while the kids were running around. Little Nashi had pale pink hair, and wide, soft,brown eyes like her mother. She wore a little dress, pale yellow with coral and bright yellow stars all over, and tights the same yellow, with round beige baby shoes. Her big brother had messy blond hair, was wearing a light blue long sleeved shirt and dark jeans with boots. He smiled looking much like his father, when he saw his dear friend Emma ; she was wearing also a pale green blouse, like her moms dress, paired with purple shorts and tights, with a green band in her black curly locks,with a pale yellow flower.

Ingneer hugged her, and they both blushed noticing that their parents were looking at them. So Emma said they should go play with their siblings :

- Come 'Neer-kun, I have a new game to show you, and we should check on what the little ones are doing...-

-Ok Emma-chan, let's go !- the boy followed her ; meanwhile the young siblings were playing with stuffed dragon toys and foam balls, jumping on the beds.

Lucy and Levy kept chatting over a drink about their usual topics, books, and Lucy new novel in progress; while the two Dragon Slayers, joked about their last missions, and random stuff going on at the guild.

- Hey Firebrain, did you have news from IcePrince side ? It's been a few days that I haven't seen him at the Guild, since his last mission with Erza and Jellal... is everything ok ? I' should go check them, specially my godson Storm, and with Juvia now...- Gajeel seemed concerned.

- Yeah, don't worry man, I heard from Wendy that Gray wanted just to spend some more time home ; she's quite tired now... - the Dragon Slayer answered relaxed ; he knew his old pal was just going through again a rather rough time...

- Can imagine man, ye know what it is !

So, while they enjoyed this early Fall evening... let's see what's going on not so far from there, in another part of Magnolia, at the Fullbuster's home.

Well, see you for the next chapter, please comment!

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