4 The memories and the future

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Gray has been standing there, watching while Storm was already peacefully asleep. His mind wondered back to painful memories, that he was trying to push away but to no avail.

Gray's pov :

" I really wish you could meet him, dad... now I really understand what it means to love your child more than yourself... I swear I'll give my life to protect them.Like you did."

Juvia's voice calling him brought him back to reality; he smiled, realising that, no matter all he had lived through in the past, he was lucky. He kissed his wife, cuddling her growing belly; she was always a vision to him, yes he really was a lucky man..."Tell me darling, do you need something? Are you feeling better?"

"Yes Gray-sama, Juvia is feeling much better; actually starting to feel a bit hungry, could my dear husband bring Juvia something to snack?" she said with a sweet smile and her bright blue eyes lost in her beloved ones. She was even more beautiful than ever, more womanly, motherly and caring. After Gray came back with some fruit salad,yoghurt, and cake on a tray, he sat next to her, and she asked him with a tender look :

 After Gray came back with some fruit salad,yoghurt, and cake on a tray, he sat next to her, and she asked him with a tender look :

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"What's wrong, Juvia can feel Gray-sama's worried or sad...tell Juvia what's the matter?"

After a while, Gray layed his head on her chest, and told her he was missing his father; the fact of expecting a baby again, and furthermore a girl, made him think how much his parents would have been happy and proud, and very loving grandparents to Storm and the little girl.

Juvia pov:

Juvia knew her Gray-sama was crossed these last days; there is a sad look in his eyes that had desappeared since Storm was born, that's hounting him back again... Juvia must think about something to make her beloved feel better... but how?

"My love, Juvia undestands very well the feelings that are lately been sad for Gray- sama; Juvia wished too your parents could share our bliss and this special moment... by the way, Juvia's been thinking about her lonely childhood, she can hardly recall the way her parents looked like...and the feeling of being loved...as a child, and until Gray-sama brightened the sky for the first time. Juvia wishes she could find at least where her parents are resting, to go and honor their memory, and share our happiness with them. All Juvia knows, is that they were both mages, and that we lived near the small Lilac town; Juvia's father was a water mage as well, and her mother was a wind priestess... no one knows exactly why Juvia was cursed by the rain but it took her long before she could master her power, because she lacked the most important thing, love..." she looked to Gray, gently stroking his hair, and she went on "Gray-sama, Juvia wishes to learn more about her parents, but also wants to pay tribute to your parents dear, so after the baby is born, whe should go visit your parents grave, and meantime, try to find if anyone from the orphanage Juvia lived is able to tell us anything useful...do you agree?" She looked with tears trembling in her eyes to Gray.

" Thank you, my loved little raindrop, I feel better now, maybe I couldn't admit to myself how much I missed them, and how to deal with these feelings...as ever, you knew it better than me. So, whe could start writing to that orphanage you told me, and when you and the baby would be fine enough, we'll travel to my hometown. Now, we should go to sleep."Gray said helping her up and leading to their bedroom.They cuddled and fell asleep quickly...

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