8. Always be with you...

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Autor's Note : hello, I'm sorry for the slow updates, but latelly I had some trouble with my pc. Last chapter was a little different, didn't meant it actually but, it took a different way on it self! Anyway, I won't be doing many action chapters I think, it's more about the couples, families and the next generation growing. So, let's go on...

At Fullbuster's home:

Gray, sitting on a couch next to Juvia, while cuddling little Christal, was deep into his thaughts watching at his son playing on the carpet next to him. Then, he asked :

"Juvia, darling, what do you think, baby girl's growing fast, and we've been talking, months ago... remember, about ..."

Juvia finished his sentence, because she was thinking about the same thing " about, going to visit Gray-sama town, where your parents rest? Juvia was been thinking about it my love, and we should be going now while is warm; you told me your town was far North, and usually much colder than here. Just tell Juvia when you wish to go, we'll get ready!" She smiled lovingly at him, adoring him like the first day.

Gray held her close, kissing her " Thank you darling, you know how much it means to me... I'll go tomorrow to inform Laxus and the team that we'll be away a few days, a week or so. You darling can start packing our things?" They kissed, looking forward for that trip they've been talking about for so long.

 You darling can start packing our things?" They kissed, looking forward for that trip they've been talking about for so long

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Two days later, the four of them were at the Magnolia Station, waiting for the morning train at 8h. Juvia was carrying little Christal in a scarf , and a bag with the baby's necessary things, while Gray was holding Storm's hand, and two quite big bags next to him, waiting to get on the train. It was going to be a quite long journey, with a stop for a night, before arriving to the North region where he was born. It was a far, rough land, cold, and snow lasted most time of the year.

During the travel, Gray was lost in his memories... that horrible night when he lost his parents and his home, when Deliora destroyed almost all his town; then, Oul came to his mind as clearly as if she was alive... and then, Silver, his father, how they had to fight, and all what he told him before he passed away, finally free to rest next to his beloved one.

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