9.Summer Holiday!

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It has been a hot Summer that year, and all the Guild members have been working hard on missions for a long while. Too long, someone complained...

So, one morning in July, already very hot, Laxus asked everyone to meet in the guild hall. Almost all the guild mates were there, he noticed with a satisfied grin... He asked Mira to stand next to him, and then said loudly :
"Listen, everyone here! It's been a hard time lately and all of you have been working a lot all year. So, after thinking about it for a while, I want to offer all of you 2 weeks of holiday on the beach, but with 2 groups, on rotation, so that there will always be someone here... My dear wife will explain you all the details, and of course the Guilds takes charge of all the main costs. So dear nakamas, let's have a cool drink and enjoy it! "

Mira started showing some lists on the board, and explained that they will be going at the very nice Akane resort, where rooms and suits were already been reserved. They would travel by buses, 2 each time, counting that now every group had also small children.

The first group was composed among others, by the Dragneels, Redfox, Fullbusters, Drayers, including old Makarof, the Fernández family,  Cana and Owen Wilde, and Wendy and Romeo

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The first group was composed among others, by the Dragneels, Redfox, Fullbusters, Drayers, including old Makarof, the Fernández family,  Cana and Owen Wilde,
and Wendy and Romeo.
They had 3 days to get ready.
The second group had Elfman and Ever's family, as well as Lisanna and Bixlow with their twins. Also Arzak and Biska and Asuka, Freed, Jet and Droy, Makao and Wakaba, and Dranbolt and Laky, who were starting to date.
Of course everyone was very excited about this holiday! It was a wonderful and luxury location, and they were looking forward to enjoying the sunny beaches and all the many things the resort offered.

Before leaving, the Dragon Slayers were very happy to hear that Porlyusica had found a sort of antidote for their motion sickness. Some drops they needed to take 1 hour before travelling, and it lasted 12h.the only side effect was feeling a bit dizzy and sleepy, but never mind! Everyone was very glad and grateful to the old lady.
So, let's start this new journey...

The travel went smoothly, sometimes the kids asking how long more it would take

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The travel went smoothly, sometimes the kids asking how long more it would take... Thankfully, Mira had it all fixed, by bringing 2 video lacrima, one for each bus, to keep the little ones busy.
As soon as they arrived, everyone was excited to get into their suites. Two families shared one suite, and other single guild mates shared too, so it was going to be funny.
One big suite was going to be shared by the Fullbusters and Fernandez families. There were two king size bedrooms, with each a beatiful bathroom and dressing. And there were 2 other big rooms with 3 beds in one, for the boys, and 2 beds in the second, for the little girls.
Storm was, very excited about this holiday and spending time with his friends... They were all looking forward the next morning to spend the whole day on the beach.
In another suite next, the Dragneels and Redfox shared the same arrangement, and a third on the same floor, was for the Drayers and Bixlow's family, because Mira and Lisanna wished to share their suite.
The evening went away swiftly, unpacking and making plans for the next days, before going down to the main restaurant for dinner.
Lucy and Levy had already some hard time, trying to cool down their hot tempered husbands, and their kids full of energy... While Juvia was happy to be back to the resort she and Gray spent their honeymoon a few years back, with Natsu and Lucy. Meanwhile, Erza and Mira were already organising the activities and other stuff for the next days. Jellal and Gray, very laid back, enjoyed their drinks and chatting with other nakamas, while keeping an eye on their kids.
It was a very funny, noisy, animated evening, as usual. Everyone enjoyed it and had a lot of plans to for the following days...

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