5. Faded Memories

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A few days later, Cana and Owen were away on their honeymoon on an island not far from the shores of Fiore. They had two weeks in a wonderful resort, to start as a married couple.

Meanwhile, at the Fullbuster home...
Gray just came back from the guild. He had spent the day with Levy and Jellal, at the library, reading about runes enchantments that could sort of "open a door" from the Other world. And besides, he had been doing some researches about the orphanage Juvia lived, when her parents died. He had discovered that in that small town, still lived an old lady, who at the time was taking care of the children. Her name was Lydia, she was quite old now but she remembered very well Juvia, and when she arrived.
She wrote back to Gray, and he couldn't wait to tell his wife the news, and some of the old lady's memories, could help her recall her own faded memories of her parents, and explain why she was "cursed" by the rain for so long.
Gray pov :
"I can't wait to tell her... But what if what she discovers is something terrible? What if it makes her sad, instead of giving her peace of mind? Should I wait maybe, that the baby is born? What if it's a shock and it upsets her?... Juvia my love, I know how much you yern to know the truth... But I also swore to protect you, whatever the matter. "
He stood there, for a few minutes, before he heard her voice from their room.
" Gray - sama my darling, you are finally back home! Juvia was feeling a bit bored and lonely... " she hugged him as close as her bump allowed her, and after kissing him, she looked deep in his eyes. A look she knew so well, nothing about her beloved could elude her deep feelings and understanding of him." Tell me dear, Juvia feels you a little upset, is it about your father again? Or is it about Juvia?"
Gray felt cought off guard, and with a faint smile, lead her with him to the couch, and sat holding her hand, and hugged her close.
Then he spoke "Darling, you know I promised to protect you from any harm, but I also promised to help you find about your past, and your lost parents. Now, do you feel ready to know something, and maybe recall distant memories... That might also upset you? That's the only thing I fear...
She looked deeply at him, and her face was peaceful and calm, when she spoke, slowly" Darling, Juvia wants to know... Even if it might be sad and painful. Nothing is worse than not knowing about them... Juvia is ready, don't be afraid my love, tell all you know.
So, Gray told her about the lady, and the letter she wrote them. He gave it to her, and she took it, but did not open it, not yet.
"Juvia will read it... But not now. When she feels ready..." she smiled at her husband and he felt a bit relieved. Then the evening went on peacefully, making dinner, and cuddling with their little boy.
Juvia thought "just a few days more... Then Juvia will learn the truth..."

So, a few days went on slowly, and one morning, while Gray was out with little Storm to play with the other kids of the Guild, Juvia took the rather thick envelope, and held it for a long moment in her hands.

"Juvia must know... She is ready to know, the truth...whatever it might be..."Juvia took a deep breath in, then swiftly opened the envelope. There were two pages written in a nice old styled callygraphy, and two pictures, a bit yellowed by time, like from many years ago...

She took them, her heart beating furiously ,hammering in her chest,and her hands started to shake; she tried to breathe again, and slowly calmed down. Then, looking at the faces on the pictures, faded flashbacks runned trough her mind, like a blink of an eye, faces and voices she remembered...

There, looking from the picture, like through the years past, her parents were looking at her; a beautiful woman, with pearly white skin, like hers, and soft curls of a very pale violet, almost grey, and deep violet blue eyes, sweet and calm, was there, holding a little baby girl, of maybe 2 years, a little girl with huge deep blue eyes, and a light mauve blue curls, pulled up in two ponytails, one on each side of her tiny face;at their right, a tall handsome man, with calm and melancholic eyes, and pale blue hair, was standing at their side. He had a warm kind look. The picture looked like a loving and peaceful family portrait. ... in the second one, she saw her mother, looking even younger, maybe just 20 years old, in a pale violet kimono, sitting under a Sakura three, with a music instrument beside her, and standing in a pool of clear water, there was her father, a tall young man, with traditional cloths, and his messy blue hair, looking at her mother smiling.

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