2. Waiting for Her...

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Gray pov

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Gray pov

« It's been four months now, by Mavis... hope she'll soon be better. With Storm now, we really have our hands full ; thankfully Erza is helping me, for the missions, and with Juvia, and Mirajane is helping too. Jellal 's being cool too, going on missions with me, and helping me with the new room we have to prepare ... » his thoughts were stopped when he heard Juvia calling him from the couch downstairs, sounded quite weak and tired.

- I'm coming darling ! Are you fine ? - Gray rushed down to his wife.

« She's still looking quite pale, even more than usual... damn. At least she could eat some fruit and keep it...and Storm is still playing in his room quietly, good boy... »

Juvia was lying on the couch, under a blanket, her blue long locks in a messy bun, wearing a pale blue wide blouse, and loose pants. She opened her wide deep blue eyes, dark circled, looking tired and frail.

Gray – sama, Juvia is so sorry to be such a burden for you darling... it's been four months now, and don't worry... soon it will all be better. Juvia is feeling tired but not sick anymore, and She is doing fine, Juvia feels her small kicks already. And Wendy-san told me it was going to soon be better. Remember, for Storm it was much harder... at the beginning.  -
Juvia smiled weakly to her worried husband  sitting on the carpet beside her ; he put his hand softly over Juvia's already showing bump.

Gray looked at her deeply, and kissed her tenderly. He couldn't help but feeling worried, although he was over the moon by the idea he was going soon to be father for the second time, and this time,to a girl, for his greatest joy . But Juvia had a hard time at the beginning, again, dealing with morning sickness, and weaknes.

Then, a little boy, 2 years old, with light blue hair and grey blue eyes, run to his parents.

He hug his mom, then reached for his dad's arms ; he looked also a bit worried, his cute little pout and frowned brows, showed he was trying to be brave, but needed a cuddle

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He hug his mom, then reached for his dad's arms ; he looked also a bit worried, his cute little pout and frowned brows, showed he was trying to be brave, but needed a cuddle .Gray took his son in his arms and sat on the sofa nearby.

- What's wrong buddy ? I know you miss playing with mom... but don't worry... she only needs to rest, and soon, she'll be feeling better... as we wait for your little sister to arrive.

- Daddy, will you still care about me, when Imoto-chan arrives ?

Gray looked deep into his son's eyes, and hugged him close, strong emotions flowing trough him.

-Storm, my little boy, don't ever doubt we could love you less when your little sister arrives; we would even love you more, and be very proud of you, you're gonna be a great Onii- san to her...

The little boy gave him a broad smile, with still tears in his eyes, feeling more secure now. Gray felt tears,of love, in his eyes, he felt how much he loved his family, how they meant everything to him. The memory of his father, Silver, came to him, and all the painful things they had to be trough, and regretted his parents couldn't meet their grandchildren. Then, he looked back at Juvia asleep peacefully, and his little Storm in his arms. He said :

- Come on buddy, time to go to bed... -

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