7. to fight and to Love

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Summer was almost there, June arrived bringing sunshine and flowers, and the people of Magnolia enjoyed even in the evening the warmth that lingered in the air even after sunset; and air full of the sweet smell of roses and Honeysuckle, and many other flowers that filled the city.

The Guild of Fairy Tail, was full of life and busy as ever! The usual teams were going on missions, the requests board was always full; when a team came back, another was just leaving, life was full every day. Luxus was a very skilled adn respected Master, not only within his Guild, but also among the other great guilds, like Saber Tooth, who was no longer a rival, but a friend and ally. Often they met, and organised friendly games followed by pic nics or garden parties, and barbecues in Summer. Since the time they had to unite against the same dangers, not only against Arbales army, and Zeleph's 12 Spriggans; but also later, when dangerous fanatic seeking revenge had threatened them all and tried even to have Luxus poisoned, between Fairy Tail and Saber's Master, Sting Eucliffe, as well with Lamia Scale's Lyon Vastia, there was a very strong bond.

That day, the Master's special unit, the Raijin, was going on a mission with two of Saber Tooth's strongest mages, Rogue Cheney and Minerva Orlando. They had to track groups of renegade mages, all outcasts, that have been thrown out their former guilds, who lived in abandoned ruins, of old mansions and even curches; they simply lived like bandits, using their magic for robbery or any sort of vile crimes, sometimes pure revenge, and also working as mercenary, for people who wanted to achieve their dark plans.

It was just an exemple of the many different missions the Fairy Tail mages had to face; even if the worst dangers have been destroyed, namely Zeleph, and Acnologia, and even the 100 years quest succesfully finished, dark magic would always exist, as would evil within people.

Sometimes their missions required special knowledges, of ancient Runes, and enchantments, antidotes to poison; then the skills of some of the Fairy Tail mages were priceless, like for exemple Levy's impressing knowledge of ancient languages and scripts, being able to translate Runes or archaic texts. Often, she worken with Freen Justin, who mastered also many enchantments and runes; sometimes even Jellal, due to his past studies, could help them not only while fighting, with his powerful Astral Magic, but also with ancient spells. When needed, they usually teamed up with Gajeel and Panter Lilly, at least, as escort, to cover them and help if fighting was needed.

Most of he time though, Erza and Jellal were a tandem, or joined team Natsu, with Gray, Juvia, Lucy, Wendy, and their Exceeds Carla and of course Happy .

For some very specific missions, Erza and Mirajane worked together, but it was quite exceptional, because Mira didn't like to fight, even more now with two young children; but when a situation needed a quick and strong solution, the two most powerful ladies of Fairy Tail were and absolute force.

That afternoon, Team Natsu was back after a secret mission near the city of Dahlia, far east from Magnolia, almost at the border near Bosco. They had to stop an evil fanatic, a master of an ancient sect who was preparing a deadly poison that he wanted to put in the main springs and sources of water, which would caused an ecatomb, an horrible genocide of innocent people, in the name of a pagan, extinct deity, to whom they vowed a cruel, bloody cult they aimed to revive.

After weeks of searching, investigating, oserving and following their members, they could finally take action on the day a horrible human sacrifice was going to be held. 15 young girls aged from 10 to 15, were going to die slowly, loosing their blood from opened cuts all along their arms; their blood was to be used later in a purification ritual by the members of this sect.

Not only they saved the poor victims from an horrible death, but they defieted their guards, and captured all the 50 members of the sect, including their master. And most important, they found and destroyed the poison before it could kill thousands of people.

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