Chapter 12: The comma world (part 1)

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same as always i woke up in the same white bed. my hands trembling. i was in a temple now. i tilted my head as i looked at my body. i looked at the same clothes the priestress was wearing. wait who changed me?!?. the door slid open and another person looked at me. "oh your awake!! i must get the emporer" said the girl and rushed out. wait......... did she just say emporer?!? im in a futal era?!? wait im still in the pokemon world though right?. i felt something snuggle against me and when i looked to my side i saw a fosil pokemon. holding my hands on my mouth so i wouldnt scream the pokemon poofed and it turned into a zorua. my eyes grow and i lift it. is this shayn!?!?!? oh please let it be true!!. the zorua struggeled in my arms and i set it on my bed. it jumped fromt he bed and looked at the closed door. i nodded its head and then i got out of bed. managing to walk. so im in a comma but im awake in this world? so everything is normal exept....... this is acient pokemon era.... okay thats new....

i pushed open the door lightly and then zorua started running out of the room. its voice popped into my head "i will help you escape" it said and then i started running after the zorua without thinking. i turn a corner and bump into something. i landed on the floor and i rubbed my head. okay that really hurt!! i looked at the person i ran into and it was a guy. a normal huy but he was wearing one of those hats that emporers wear....... wait! i bumped into the emporer!

he reaches out his hand and smiled at me as he took off his hat. his long hair falling..... wait is it a guy or a girl....... its defenetly a guy..... i reached out my hand timidly and he helped me up. "are you okay?" he aske dme my eyes widened a bit and i looked at him and nodded slowly. "im so glad...... sorry for scaring you by bringing you here...." he said and we started walked together around the temple. "your not from here are you..." he asked and i shook my head. "i-i'm from another world actually" i said and he looked at me. "you must have bumped your head pretty hard there" he said and brought me back to the room. "this is my sleeping chamber but you can use it for now i guess.." he said and i stared at him. "s-so who changed me...." i mumbeled and he chuckled. "one of the my brides to be dressed you" he said and i tilted my head. oh so he isant married yet. i wonder how many women are in his harem at the moment. he seems pretty young. he looked like my age but like........ a few years older then me. he was tall. i had look up at him because if id look straight id be looking at his chest....

he sat me on the bed and smiled sitting next to me. " a piestress brought you here. she told me the same thing you just told me..." he said and i nodded. "i-its true... in the other world i fell into a comma and then suddddenly i wake up here..." i said panicing a bit and he chuckled. "ill see what i can do to make you wake up in the other world.... by the way who where you chasing after...?" he asked and i bit my lip a bit and i smiled. "o-oh just a....... um......" i started and he chuckled. "it was zorua wasnt it..." he said and i nodded..... "whats his name?" i asked and he chuckled. "ive named him shayn" he said and my eyes started to water. he looked at me as my tears fell. "h-hey whats wrong?!?" he said and i shook my head. "n-no its just im fine..... its just i have a pokemon........ its name is exactly that..... and its a zoroark......" i said inbetween sobs. the emporer looked at me and smiled pulling me into a hug. "so in the life you have shayn exists too.......... shayn!! come back here!!" he calls and then shayn looks around the courner. "do you recognise this person.... resently you went missing for a while and now your back with this girl...." he said and the zorua looked at me and tilted his head coming in and sitting infront of me.

i looked at it and smiled. it tilted its head more. "are your memories affected again?" he asked and zorua looked down. "shayn...." i said and then it looked at me with recognision in his eyes and the emporer looked at me and teh zorua. i smiled at teh zorua until it jumped into my arms and i got knocked of the other side of the bed against the wall me flinching with the impact. the emporer jumped and then he heard me laugh a bit while i hugged a zoroark. "shayn......." i said hugging it. it hugged me back. "eev i thought id have lost you..." he said and then the emporer looked at us and smiled. "so you went to her world after all shayn" he said and shayn looked at the guy. he nodded. "your bonds must be very strong" the emporer said gently with a smile. shayn nodded a bit and smiled. "my name is Lux" the emporer said and i smiled. "like the pokemon luxray?" i asked him and he stared. i smiled again and then shayn hugged me again. i hugged him back and lux smiled at us again. "i'll leave we guys alone for a while" he said and got up after hugging me and walked out of the room closing the door. shayn looked at the door close and then put his forehead onto mine in his human form. "ive managed to get to you even if your in a comma..." he said and i smiled gently. "i knew i was going to fall itno a comma..." i said and he chuckled he put his hand on my cheek making me blush. "hey.... eev do you still like me?" he asked me. my eyes grow and my face grew crimson red. "i-i guess...... h-hey you never told me how you felt about me! "i said stubornly which was cut of by him pressing his lips against me gently. my eyes widened and my face went darker then crimson if that is possible......" does that answer it?" he asked me like it was normal. i hid my face in my knee's. "he ruffeled his hand through my hair and there was a small sob from me to be heard. his eyes widened and he lifted my face to see me a face crimson red and tears streaming down my face.

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