Chapter 13: The comma world (part 2)

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i was woken up by jackie shaking my shoulders. i looked at him half asleep. we were at a small coral reef and ash and the others were swimming in the water. manaphy was in the water looking at me and i sat up "how long did you try waking me for?" i asked half asleep and jackie crossed his arms "an hour" he said and i stared. i got out of hammock but had such a head ache i nearly fell off the boat in the water but jackie cought my arm pulling me back to my feet. "be careful" he told me. my face lit up red and i nodded. "y-yeah" i said and stood at the side. may came out and handed me one of her swim suits. "lets swim!" she said happily dragging me to the changing rooms.

after a few minutes and convincing that id put it on i was in a bikini. it shaped around my bust really well and it fitted me well aswell. i ran out with may and went to the reiling of the boat and looked down at ash and brock which were looking at me. "here i come!!" i shouted and before jackie could stop me i swan dived into the water. ash swimming over to me as i come up for air. jackie running down the ladder to the hammock where i layed he sat by the water. "hey you cant go swim iff you havent eaten anything!!" he shouted from the place he was at i laughed. "oh dont worry about im fine" i said and started swimming away fromt he boat a bit until i got a stomach cramp and it hurt really badly. i started sinking in the water trying to keep my head up. 

everyone was out of the water and having some water and something to drink exept me. "have you seen lulu?" asked may as she walked around on the boat. everyone shook their heads and she desided to go ask jackie. "jackie!!" she screamed running to the stearing wheel out of breath. "yeah?" he said and looked at the out of breath may. "have you seen lulu anywhere i cant find her anywhere on the boat" she said and he looked around of the post he was on he looked at the water. "do you think......" she startedd and he jumped off the post down onto the deck and grabbed his breathing thingy majig (i dont know what its called but he has it in the first few minutes of the movie) he jumped into the water with it in his mouthswimming under water he searches for me. "come on.... where are you....." he thought while searching. he then saw a vivid outline of a person on the coral bed and he swam quickly to it. it was me cured up in a ball still holding my breath but slowly loosing myself. he picked me up and swam to the surface but when we got to the surface i was already out cold. he looked at how far i was off the boat. "you shouldnt have gone so far off the boat.." he said and then saw a lapras swim torwards him. "capture gear on" he said swinging that circler capture thing a pokemon ranger has. "capture complet" he finished and the lapras came over. "give me a hand lapras" he said and put my body on its back and it swam over to the boat with jackie.

it wasnt until jackie put me on the hammock after a few hours i woke up coughing up water. i sat up quickly only to be hugged by the people on the boat and may hugged me when they let go. i looked around confused. "jackie saved you" said ash as he came around the courner. i tilt my head. "oh yeah where is jackie..." i managed to say in between coughs. may pointed at the hammock i was sitting in and then i noticed something move. i looked behind me and jackie was there. my eyes widened and i started freaking out in the indise and i fell of the hammock with a bang on the floor. i sat there rubbing my head. "man that surprised me.." i said and then got up the same cramp in my stomach my eyes widen once more and i put my hands around my stomach. trying not to curl up in a ball i made myself yawn and head inside. "i-im going to rest some more...." i said and rushed away to the under ground thing in the boat with the thing underwater looking like a submerine. i looked out the glass and then manaphy swam past me and it stopped."mana~ manaphy~" it said and swam against the glass. i rushed to the glass as manaphy started crying. i put my hand against the glass gently. "i-its alright" i said my hand tightening on my stomach and i ended up curling into a ball after all but by the glass. manaphy looked at me and dove up to the surface. it jumped on the boat and jumped on jackie who was napping on my hammock. she was still wet and cold and he opened his eyes slowly and then looked at manaphy's worried face. "mana!!! manaphy!!!" it shouted and jackie rose an eye brow and lifted it up. he climbed up the ladder and manaphy jumped out of his arms and rushed over to the under ground. "manaphy~!!" it shouted and jackie followed it in utter confusion until he saw me laying on the floor he rushed over. 

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