Chapter 1 : my pokemon , my friends

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This story is about me a 16 year old girl who cant find a place were i belong. You might say I'm a ghost to some people. My mother calls me Lulu. I have brown hair and hazel eyes. I'm rather small for my age so people used to pick on me a lot so that's how i didn't have friends in my old schools. My mother is trying to find me a school were i wont be teased in but it just wont work so i had to transfore again because i got very ill in the last school and missed a lot of school days.

My story on finding my new friends finds me in my house in my bed. Also this world has a lot of secrets and one of them is pokemon. I always wanted to become a pokemon trainer but the thing is i never had the courage to find myself my pokemon. I tried going to the lab to find myself a starter but i never really found myself there to be welcomed since you be 10 years oold to get your first pokemon. My mother keeps some pokemon in the house and i get along great with them but sometimes they have a down side to them. My mom found a school were they teach you about pokemons and other things like normal school but since i dont have a pokemon yet i guess ill have to wait until i find myself my own pokemon.

This day starts of me sleeping in my warm and comfy bed when my mom tried to wake me up. Mother knowing me so well i never wake up on the first calling so she sends a pokemon to wake me up. Usually its my Furfrou. Her name is Froufrou. we usually never take her to the hair dressers so i just style her hair any kind of way as possible to make her look stylish. But this time the pokemon i grew up with woke me up. its a small Pichu. It just comes into my room and just stands there for me to move but once it doesnt see me moving out of bed thats when it uses its electricity to wake me up. You wont believe how many times pichu helped me in the mornings getting out of bed and going to school it sure gets handier then getting an allarm clock. So im awake now and on the floor thanks to my mothers pichu and i get up finally. I get on my new uniform and look at it in the mirror. It was lacking something you know. Something that scream "Hi im Lulu!" but i dont know what......... Oh! Maybe a ribbon could do it. I grab my ribbon and put it on my ponytail.

I hurry down the stairs and greet my mother good morning. Froufrou comes around the courner and started jumping on me for a walk. My mom throws me the collar for her and i put it on the table and just walk outside with Froufrou. She loved prancing around in the flowers its very fun. Since we live in the country side that is we have tons of space for the pokemon we have. We have fields with crops on them and stuff like that. Usually i just ditch school and work in the fields like my dad but sometimes i tend to avoid them as much as possible.

With Froufrou running beside me and Pichu on my shoulders i was off to school. I had their pokeballs in my bag so if i got near people from my school id just put them in their pokeballs to seem normal but since pichu is so cute and adorable i couldnt resist not putting it in there. 

We got to the main town. My school was always on a hill i always think to myself does my mom want me more active or something because my schools are always located on a hill which is strange because i hate going up hills....... Oh now i know were my mom is going with this... Anyway so i was walking through the main village when i find kids my age wearing the same uniform as me. This is strange to me sometimes because i want to say hello but i never have the courage to say it you know..... 

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