Chapter 2

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Lori's POV

Lori's POV

"Casey?!" I exclaim, "This is where you have been the entire time you were 'missing'" I say with air quotes. I run over to her and almost tackle her.

"I wanted to tell you where I was, I really did, but I didn't want people finding out the legend was real before they had a chance to find it for themselves" Casey responds.

Me and Casey take some time to catch up with each other while Christine and Heather continue to get a tour by The Lady in White.

Heather's POV

While Casey and Lori are catching up with each other, The Lady in White continues on giving us a tour of the hotel. Next room we go into is the gorgeous, historic designed kitchen and we see a group of people making a meal that looks like it could feed 40 people.

"Why is there so much food?" I ask questioning anyone who wants to answer.

"Well there are so many people staying here, we have to be able to feed all of them" one of the chefs answer.

"Fair enough, but if not many people can find or believe in the hotel, how and where do you guys get all this food?"

"We have a large garden and farm on the land here," The Lady in White responds. "You girls are welcome to stay for dinner and the night if you are too tired to drive home tonight" she offers.

I look at Christine before responding, "We'd love to. And it looks like Lori wouldn't mind either."

Where we head next is up the grand staircase in the atrium to the floors that have the hotel rooms. This hotel has hints of Alice in Wonderland vibes and I am loving it. We head up to the fourth floor and The Lady in White shows us our rooms that we get to stay in for the night. The one she says is mine is decorated with passages from all of my favorite stories and quotes from my favorite authors. How did she know, I think to myself, getting lost in my mind and happiness in this room. I look around and see a desk with blank pages and a feather ink pen begging to be written with. I am in my own kind of heaven.

"How did you know that I was an author..." I say out loud, trailing off at the end.

"I know a lot of things about everyone who is able to pass through the forcefield and find my hotel, I can't tell you how because I don't even know myself how it works, it is a blessing because I can make people feel right at home and they can be themselves for the first time in their life if they're scared to be who they really are in the real world" She explains to us.

"Wow, that is really cool you want everyone to be themselves. I love it."

For the first time since we have met The Lady in White, she seems shy and just smiles at me and Christine. I set my camera stuff down on my bed and I decide to look in the wardrobe to see if there is anything nice to wear to dinner tonight. I may not seem like a girly girl, but when it comes to dressing up, I love anything blush colored or jewel tones or anything that has blue in it because my eyes are blue. I find a few dresses that I really like. Choice number one is a dress with three-quarter length sleeves with flowers on a it and down the skirt there is a little opening like there is a curtain on the dress. It has a full skirt as well, I would have to wear a hoopskirt underneath it to give the dress it's full effect. It's elegant. Choice number two is much simpler than the first dress. It has a gold tone / color and small puffed short sleeves. There is beautiful embroided gold roses all over the dress and down at the bottom there is a gorgeous lace pattern. This dress doesn't have a full skirt, which I like so I think I'm going to go with this dress for dinner. I wonder what everyone else is going to wear. I hope I am not going over the top, but the opportunity to wear a victorian dress in a victorian hotel has presented itself to me and I'm going to go with it.

Christine's POV

While Heather is looking around and getting settled into her room, The Lady in White walks with me down the hall to the room that she says is mine.

"Miss, why did you want to build a hotel that only few people can find? It is such a magnificent hotel but not many people can visit," I trail off wondering about this mysterious lady and her hotel.

"Well, I didn't want this hotel to just be a one night stay and then people are on their way again. I want to be able to form a connection and get to know the guests who visit me. I am not able to go into the real world because of the forcefield. I don't even know what year it is, as you can see we still operate here as if it is still the 19th century."

"It is currently 1973 in the rest of the world. I guess you could see that based on the clothes we walked in here with. It's a wild world out there right now. I really like the feel of this hotel and area. I wish I could stay here forever and not worry about anything else or any responsibilities. That would be my ideal life." I tell The Lady in White.

"You are more than welcome to stay here for as long as you want or forever if you would prefer to. I always love having company around me" The Lady in White says. "Are you ready to see the room I have picked out for you?"

"I would love to!" I respond very excited to see what she has in store for me.

She takes me down the hall a little further than Heather's room and we stop at what I assume is my room. I walk in and the first thing I see is this great window on the other side of the room. As I look out, I can see nothing but trees and beautiful scenery around me for miles. It's gorgeous. I look around at the walls and there are little watercolor paintings of moms and babies in outfits that I have created back at my boutique. I am stunned that she knows what I do and what my favorite outfits have been that I have designed. I tell her thank you and she walks away, almost like she if floating, but I shake the thought from my head as I turn back to take in my room. Just like Heather did, I go to my wardrobe and search for something to wear to dinner. I am a couple years older than both the girls, so I try to find a dress that reflects that. I don't even have to look for long before I find the perfect one. I am a fan of The Little Mermaid, a Disney movie. This dress looks just like the dress Ariel wore when she was spending the day with Eric in town. The first part is a cream colored top with long sleeves and a collar. There is a black corset overlay that goes on around the middle of the cream top. The skirt of the dress is the most beautiful part of the dress. It is this beautiful blue color that has roses on an overlay of the skirt. The roses are blue as well and with everything put together, I feel like a victorian version of Ariel. I love it.

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