Chapter 6

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I begin telling everyone what happened, from the hallway beyond the barred door, to the room that hallway opened up into, to the room The Lady in White took me to, the session we started but never finished, the flowers. I tell them everything.

"Casey, what exactly did you see when you touched the Begonias" Christine ask me.

"It was really crazy, and I don't know how to describe it in a way that you guys will understand."

"It's ok, just tell us and we will make sense of it as we go along."

Eli's POV

Casey is telling us about her experience one on one with The Lady in White. She is starting to tell us what happened when she touched the Begonia flowers.

"I asked The Lady in White if I could touch the flowers to see if I could get a closer feel to who Rebekkah was and she says yes and hands me the bouquet. In the beginning before the session started, she told me what kind of flowers she has and their different meanings. But when she handed me the bouquet of flowers, I noticed a flower I hadn't seen before, and that the Lady didn't tell me about. It was a begonia. I know from prior experience and knowledge that Begonia's can mean evil or bewarned, something bad is coming your way. My theory to all of this is that The Lady in White purposefully killed Rebekkah with the storm she told me about that caused Rebekkah to be disoriented."

I look at the girls in front of me, all super stunned. I ask them if that means anything to them and they just nod their heads. All three girls, Heather, Lori, and Christine just stand in front of me stunned.

"Are you girls ok? What is happening to you?" I ask trying to shake Heather out of her trance, along with her friends.

"Hi, hi, I'm alive. What just happened?" Heather asks, clutching on to me like she was scared for her life.

"You, Lori, and Christine all went into a sudden trance, you weren't responding to me or Casey at all. What just happened?"

"All I know is that Casey said that she thinks The Lady in White started the storm on purpose to kill her best friend and unborn child" Heather stammers out.

"Wait, how did you know that she was pregnant? I never told you guys that" Casey exclaims.

"I don't know how I know that, something just came over me and told me. I can't explain it." Heather is shaking by this point, scared nonetheless of what just happened.

All of a sudden, Casey perks up and says,

"Guys, can we please get some food? I am so hungry!"

All of us start to laugh and make the trek down to the kitchen to find some midnight snacks. When we get down to the kitchen, we find a batch of fresh homemade brownies, and between the five of us, we finish that batch of brownies pretty fast. Soon after, we find ourselves drinking wine and sitting on the couches in one of the many great rooms. I decide to ask Casey and the girls one more time what happened when Casey touched the begonia and why the girls were in a trance when Casey told them about it.

"When Casey ran into our arms after the meeting with the Lady in White, everything she talked to the Lady in White about, we felt it flowing through us, through our veins. We felt everything" Lori explained, almost exasperated.

"So, you're telling me that when I ran into the room after I was done with my session, you guys felt everything?" Casey says, looking up at her friends, almost like she is about to cry, "Oh my god. That's how you knew about The Lady in White's best friend being pregnant at the time of her accident and death"

"Yea that's how we found out, but what I don't understand is why did The Lady in White want to kill her best friend? What does she gain from doing something so cruel?" Lori says, being so confused at the same time.

"I can't figure it out either. I think we are missing something big and I can't rack my brain anymore as to what we are missing" Casey says, defeated.

That's when I decide to speak up and say something. "Ok guys, what is everything that we know about Rebekkah and The Lady in White's relationship? Was it just best friends or was it something more than best friends? Because what I have gathered from y'all telling me is that these two were definitely unconventional women in the time period they grew up in, maybe there was something behind it all, but they didn't tell anyone or their families because it was looked down upon back then?" I say letting my mind flow with possible explanations.

"Elijah, I think you may be on to something," Heather chimes in, agreeing with me, "Alright to reiterate what Elijah just said, what is everything we know about The Lady in White and Rebekkah's friendship / relationship?"

"So we know the story about her and Rebekkah going on the hike up the mountain with their families, albeit, I am not sure how true that story is, but we still do have that story" Casey says.

"And we know that Rebekkah was unknowingly pregnant at the time they went on this hike" Christine chimes in.

"But what gives The Lady in White a reason or motive to kill her best friend out of the blue? And how do the Begonias fit in to this whole mess?" Lori asks.

"The begonias are definitely a weird part of this story and mess, I do agree with you Lori, I am not sure why she would have all of Rebekkah's favorite flowers and then somehow slip in a begonia into the mix. It confuses me too" Heather says.

All of a sudden, Casey goes wide eyed and possibly realizes something. "Guys, what if The Lady in White wanted me to touch the Begonia and she knew I would because she hadn't previously explained to me what they were in the beginning of our session?"

"But why would she do that? I thought she was wanting to keep her hotel running and she didn't want anyone ever finding out about it?" I say becoming really confused now.

"Maybe she is just throwing us off with the begonias, so that we are more focused on finding out what happened to Rebekkah instead of finding out what is really happening here in the hotel and why people have been mysteriously disappearing throughout the years" Casey says.

And we sit there and ponder about why The Lady in White is trying to throw us off about finding out what is really happening within these walls. We are all so confused. We decide to call it a night because we are all really exhausted from the day's events. We say our goodnights and head up to our respective rooms, except Heather joins me in my room. ;)

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