Chapter 7

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Heather's POV

It's the next morning after our long day of our investigating and thinking of why we can't figure out what is happening in this hotel. We decide to start the morning off like any other morning, trying to act as normal as possible as to not throw off anyone or The Lady in White. Elijah and I walk downstairs to say good morning to our friends. Christine is already downstairs talking to someone. This is new to me.

"Hey Christine, who are you talking to?" I ask her as stroll over to where she is sitting and sit down next to her. She seems smitten.

"Oh, hey guys. This is Darren. I woke up pretty early this morning because I couldn't sleep very well after what happened last night. So I came downstairs and to get some coffee and sat down on the couches over here. That's when Darren came down and sat across from me and we've been talking all morning. Talking to new people here is a breath of fresh air sometimes" She tells us. She proceeds to introduce us to Darren.

"Darren, these are my friends Heather" pointing to me, "and Elijah, who we met here at the hotel. Our other friends Lori and Casey are still sleeping I assume, because I haven't seen them yet this morning. Casey is Lori's long lost friends. Casey apparently went missing awhile back and the first person Lori sees, besides The Lady in White, is Casey. It has all been very weird for all of us" Christine finishes getting Darren caught up. For the most part at least.

"Cool beans, Christine. Nice to meet you Darren. How are you?" I ask him, trying to get to know him better.

"I am doing good, now that I met Christine. I may go exploring around the garden and land surrounding the hotel later today if y'all want to join me?" He asks us.

"That'd be awesome! I'd love that!" I say excitedly, because we have only explored the inside of the hotel, we haven't been outside since the day we found the hotel which was a few days ago, although it seems like it has been much longer than a few days. "Can we bring our other friends? I am sure they would love to see the outside of this hotel as well."

"Yea, that's fine with me. Christine, do you want to join us?"

"Of course I want to join you on this adventure. We drove all the way out here to finally prove the mystery of this hotel, I want to find out everything I can about this place" Christine chimes in.

"Alright, than it's settled. We can go exploring after lunch today if that works for everyone?" Darren asks.

"It works for me and Elijah and it probably works for the other girls as well, as long as they wake up and get out of bed anytime soon" I say chuckling. You would think for finding a lost and mysterious hotel, and reuniting with one of your best friends, you wouldn't spend the time you have here, sleeping. I get it though. We all had a rough night last night. It spun us in so many different directions. I am not sure we are anymore ahead in this investigation than where we started last night.

Soon enough, lunchtime rolls around and finally Casey and Lori come downstairs for some food.

"You girls sleep well?" I ask them and at the same time, I get,

"Yep I slept great" from Lori and

"No! I did not sleep one bit" Casey says.

"Then what were y'all doing upstairs for so long that you guys missed breakfast?" I ask.

"Well, I was sleeping the whole time. For whatever reason I was super tired and exhausted I slept my morning away" Lori responds, but continues with, "Casey, however, she kept walking back and forth in her room and I heard her a couple times throughout the night but then went back to sleep. Casey, how about you tell them what was happening last night with you, because I was asleep and half asleep for most of the night."

"Okay fine. I really didn't want to keep you guys up later after we went to bed last night, but I couldn't sleep. I wasn't tired at all. And I was the one who did the most work out of any of us last night. I went down to a creepy part of this hotel with The Lady in White just so that I could try and connect with her best friend's spirit. And things were going good until they weren't, which was when I touched the Begonias--" Her sentence is interjected by Darren, who has been sitting with us the whole time. I don't think Casey and Lori even noticed he was there.

"Wait, did you say Begonias?" Darren asks, seeming kind of shocked to the core.

"Yes I did," Casey responds but then asks, "Who are you?" She is really confused now.

"Oh sorry, let me introduce myself. My name is Darren. I met Christine down here in the living room this morning because she and I both couldn't sleep. I am taking the rest of the group on an exploring adventure after lunch today, you and Lori are welcome to come along if you'd like. Seems like with all the investigating your group is doing, maybe checking the outside and the grounds of this hotel could be helpful, give you a different perspective."

"Of course. We'd love to join. Hopefully something better comes from this adventure than the one that happened last night" Lori says as Casey shrugs.

We are about to sit down for lunch when all of a sudden we hear a shriek come from outside the front doors. Our group gets up and goes to find the woman who shrieked. We walk outside the front doors and find a woman discombobulated sitting on the front lawn. We ask this woman if she is ok and if she needs any help. She's so disoriented that the most she can do to let us know anything is shake her head yes or no. She acknowledges us and she does want some help, so Darren and Elijah pick up the woman and sit on the porch of the hotel. We decided not to bring her into the hotel just yet because this building is crazy and has some kind of pull on you that we don't want this woman getting tied into. That's when Casey decides to ask this woman her name.

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