Chapter 5

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She leads me down this long, dark, dimly lit hallway after we walked passed the barred door. This hallway reminds me of a hallway that is in the basement dungeon of a castle. It is very musty and cold and damp. Gross is a word I would use to describe this hallway. It seems to go on for miles before we stop. The hallway opens up into a large room with a well in the middle of it and what looks like "bunk beds" built into the walls of stone around this room. I don't know what else to call them because there isn't anything on them. Just slabs of stone stacked on top of each other. Very eerie.

We continuing walking through this room until The Lady in White takes me to a smaller room off of the main room. This room has a few old dusty couches and a table in the middle of the room. On the table, there are some candles and a few flowers. I ask her about the candles and flowers.

"The candles are so that it is a calmer environment for you and the arrangement of flowers are Rebekkah's favorites. I was hoping they would give you more to understand who she was and what kind of person she was" The Lady in White starts to list off the different flowers and what they mean.

"The pink roses mean pure happiness. The yarrow flowers are a sign of healing. Rebekkah had a gift of being able to heal anyone who needed the help, but she was unable to use her gift on herself. The apple blossoms mean the promise of better things are to come. She always believed that no matter what happens, they will lead to better things in the future. I interpret this as even though she passed away at a young age, she somehow knew that something better was to come to her and I. Lastly, the daisies. I put those in myself because they mean farewell. It was very hard for me to live without her in my life, but once I accepted that she is never coming back, I added the daisies to let her know that I still think about her all the time." She finishes listing off the flowers and their different meanings.

"It is very thoughtful of you to add the candles and her favorite flowers to this little area. I think it will help me a lot in trying to connect her to you" I say, feeling the sorrow and loss in The Lady in White's heart. I feel so sorry for her. Once you get to know this woman, there is more to her than just someone who runs a mysterious hotel for the lost.

"The way I start my readings is that I like to write down little things that come to me through the air or the feelings around me" I say to The Lady in White, making sure she is following me. She nods and I continue. I start by writing down a name that is unfamiliar to me and that I have not heard from her or anyone else in the hotel.

"Miss, does the name Thomas or Tom sound familiar to you?" I say as I write down the name Tom in my little notebook.

"Yes, that is Rebekkah's younger brother's name. He liked to go by Tom for short" She says, almost wary.

"Ok good. He actually has a message for you. He wants to thank you for all that you have done to keep Rebekkah's name and spirit alive here at the hotel."

I look at The Lady in White and it almost looks like she is crying, but I don't think wants me to see her like this, because she always puts on a brave face for everyone in the hotel. Aww. I continue on, but this time, I am feeling something take over me and I start drawing a mountain that I have never seen before. It's not familiar to me at all. I show The Lady in White this sketch of a mountain and she burst into tears.

"That's the mountain that Rebekkah tripped on and fell down" She says in between tears

"I am so sorry Miss, I know how hard this is for you. We can take a break if you would like?" I ask her to make sure she is ok before we continue on.

"No, no, it's ok. We can continue, it just brought back some old memories for me, that's all."

All of a sudden, I get a wave of peace coming over me, followed by sorrow. It is then that I realized there is more to Rebekkah than what The Lady in White as told me.

"Miss, this is going to sound out of the ordinary, but was Rebekkah pregnant when she passed away? Because this little soul came to me asking for her mommy and that is the symbol I relate to when a woman has passed away while pregnant..." I become very quiet at the end of that statement just thinking to myself, this woman's best friend passed away and she was carrying too.

"Oh my goodness, how do you know that? I never told you. Yes she was pregnant when she passed. She herself didn't even know she was pregnant at the time, or we wouldn't have been hiking, fearing that it could cause strain on her pregnancy. We only later found out when she was taken to the doctor, that she was carrying. Her baby didn't survive either. It was a heartbreaking day for me and her family. She was my everything in life" The Lady in White just lets her emotions flow. She has been keeping these emotions to herself for all these years and I just tell her to let herself grieve as it is a part of the healing process.

So far, we haven't connected with Rebekkah and I am feeling defeated. I really wanted to connect The Lady in White to her best friend. She really misses her and I am starting to feel as though there is something keeping me from reaching her. So to try and kickstart the connection to Rebekkah, I ask The Lady in White if I could hold some of the flowers to get a closer feel. She handed me the flowers and as soon as I touch the bouquet of flowers, there is a flower there that I had not seen before. These flowers are called Begonias. I know this because of a class I took while in college. These flowers mean "be cautious" or "warning, something is coming." When I decide to touch this flower, I get a flash of something through my eyes and I can see so many lost souls in front of me. I throw the flower down and stand up.

"I am so sorry Miss, I have to go. Can we please finish this session later? I really have to go." I don't even wait for her response and I am running out of this hallway and out through the barred door into my room in the hotel. I lock the door behind me and stop to catch my breath. It wasn't until a few minutes later that I opened my eyes and my breathing has subsided, that I see my friends staring at me.

"Casey are you ok?" Lori rushes over to me and helps me up onto my bed.

"No," I respond simply. "There is something seriously dark going on in and around this hotel."

"Tell us exactly what happened and we will go from there" Heather states, Eli standing next to her agreeing with her.

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