Chapter 3

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*fast forward a few hours*

After we each take a few hours to ourselves for some much needed rest, the three of us meet up in Heather's room. We talk about how our afternoon went and we hear from Lori about everything she caught up on from Casey. She seems really happy and it also seems like she wants to stay here for longer than a night as well. I don't know how Heather is feeling about staying longer than a night, so I decide to pull her away from the group and talk to her about.

"Hey girl, how are you feeling?" I ask.

"Honestly, I am a little uneasy about everything. I mean think about it, when we drove on to what was supposed to be Dahlia Highway, there was nothing there. We parked the van and got out to take a look around and when we did, Lori ran off as if she had a strong force bringing her here to this hotel. And when we do get here, she ends up reuniting with a long lost friend. Another thing I noticed is that The Lady in White doesn't really walk. It's more like she is floating just inches above the ground, like a ghost."

"I noticed that as well, The Lady in White floating. It put me off a little bit, but then I thought nothing of it because I just figured I was tired and seeing things. I have talked to Lori and she wants to stay here longer, and I kind of agree with her. I really like it here so I wouldn't mind staying a few more night as well. I just wanted to check in with you on how you're feeling and if you wanted to stay here with us?"

"I'll think about it and get back to you sometime after dinner" Heather says to me.

Heather's POV

With that, we walk back over to where Lori and Casey are sitting at the table that is set for like 40 people. I am still in shock that The Lady in White has this many people staying with her, and none of them have wanted to ever leave. Casey says she has been here for about 3 years now and she never wants to leave. It makes me wonder if The Lady in White is doing something to these people making them not want to leave. I keep that thought to myself as we all sit down for dinner. The Lady in White says a little blessing before we start eating. The room starts to fill with conversation as everyone is getting to know us. I am sitting next to this gentleman named Eli and we talk almost the whole time until desert is ready. He has been staying at the hotel for a little over 4 months. It turns out he had also taken the folklore and legends class at college as well, although we weren't in the same class. He is a couple years older than me at 27. We get along great and I am really starting to like him. He says that, like us, he wanted to try and prove this legend real, but once he stumbled upon the hotel, he hasn't wanted to leave. He sends letters every so often to his family telling them he is safe and happy.

It's a lot later into the night now and me and Eli are enjoying a glass of wine each and also just enjoying each other's company. I never had many close guy friends growing up, so I am really happy he and I met. It isn't long until I have ended up in Eli's room, with he and I lying om his bed just talking.

The next morning

I wake up in a bed I am unfamiliar with and then it hits me, I am still at the White Lady's Hotel. I look around to see where I am and I see Eli sleeping soundly next to me. Wow, last night was fun. I think I now have a reason to stay here forever, or at least a little longer than one night. I slowly start to get up, trying not to wake Eli, but he starts to stir in his sleep and asks where I'm going. I just say I'm going to grab some food, and to my surprise, he takes my hand and joins me on my venture downstairs. Once we have gotten some food, I start to wonder what the rest of this hotel looks like, and with that, Eli is leading me down a couple long corridors until we come across a barred door. I am a really curious person and so me being me, I ask Eli what is down there.

"What is down the hallway behind that door?" I point towards the door.

"I haven't yet figured that out. No one has actually" he says.

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