Rant # 2

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All things are within only the eye of the beholder. This is what I have learned throughout my life, especially beauty and love. These two things more than the rest of all existence get people through every day life. Although I can’t say I have truly experienced the second one for myself yet I one day hope to. Beauty I have experienced, in many different fashions and ways. I’ve experienced beauty in the most intimate way. Also as in nature where you se it but there is nothing intimate about it, that is something I have also experienced. I fall into love with beauty for a short time but I’ve never truly experienced love for something. The type of love that is everlasting, the kind that makes you legendary. Not a Romeo and Juliet love or a love such as what Bella and Edward have but a real one something with meaning. What I strive for is a love that consumes me. I want passion adventure and most of all I want it to be something beautiful. I hope for your sake that someday you experience this as I plan to experience it. Someday we might be able to become friends but until then I just want you to know that I love you. You are an amazing person, no matter what anybody attempts to make you believe never let yourself get down and think badly of yourself. No matter who you are you are beautiful. You can create something beautiful. We can all have the beautiful love that I wish for and no matter what I plan to get it. No matter what I will love somebody even if nobody can love me. I know that I am not the greatest person in the world and that makes me human. I make mistakes, I am selfish and I do not regret that in any way shape or form. I know I probably should but I don’t and I won’t. Nobody tells me how to live my life, nor does anyone tell me whom I should love


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