Chapter 4: Cool Reunion

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"Hey, we didn't order any pizza!" Michelangelo grinned.

"And that is not something I ever thought I'd hear you say, Mikey," said Leonardo.

"Yeah... I wonder if it means something."

"Probably just a phase," offered Donatello. "You are an adolescent."

"I'm an adowhatolescent?" Michelangelo replied. "Well, you're a... dorkolescent." Donatello looked at him for a moment, and then with only a slight movement slapped him on the arm with his staff. "Ow!"

Raphael rolled over the wall in an elegant motion, stood up and strode toward the approaching motorcycle as the rider gradually drew to a halt. "Raph! Will you get back here!?" called Leo, stepping out into the open. Why not? Their secrecy was blown now anyway. He racked his brains for a cover story - Mascots...? Nah.

"Relax, Leo! Nobody's gonna believe this guy." Raphael gestured toward the bike. "I'm curious, that's all."

"What's the matter, ain't you ever seen four giant Turtles practicing martial arts before?" Grinning, Michelangelo stuck his head over the wall and rested it on his clasped hands Laverne & Shirley style.

"Hardly, Mikey," Donatello replied. "Four is very unusual. Three or even five is so much more common." He waved. "Don't be alarmed. We mean you no harm."

The engine noise cut out, and all four Turtles' eyes were drawn to the movement as a booted foot touched the ground. Up... Black leather jeans clung tightly to well-toned thighs and calves, almost mirrorlike in their shininess. A sturdy black leather jacket, zipped up. The hands that began unfastening the protective helmet wore black leather gloves to complete the anomymizing ensemble.

"Guys," Michelangelo said thoughtfully as he approached, peering closely, "I don't think this guy is actually, you know, a guy." Nodding as if to confirm his diagnosis, he grinned as the new arrival responded with a thumbs up.

The rider got off the bike nimbly, somehow turning out smaller and slighter than the Turtles were expecting, and stood with arms folded and head cocked slightly in... Was it amusement? Not shock, not disbelief, and certainly not fear. The rider found them funny? "Hey, wasn't that bike Casey's?" Leonardo pondered.

"Yeah," said April, removing the helmet, the long dark hair that might have given them a clue tucked under the upturned collar of her jacket. "And it still would be if he'd gotten it back from the pawn shop instead'a me." They clustered around her excitedly. "Hi, guys!"

"Hi, April," said Donatello. "Suziquatrotastic."

"Hi, Donny. Uh, thanks?" Handing the helmet to Michelangelo, April watched indulgently as he looked at it for a moment before trying unsuccessfully to fit it on his own head. "Definitely not a guy, Mikey. Well spotted." He shrugged bashfully, and left the helmet hanging on one of the bike's handlebars.

"Suziquatrotastic?" Raphael murmured skeptically. Donatello shrugged diffidently, standing by his made-up adjective.

"Yeah, April, nice outfit," remarked Leonardo politely. "Very shiny."

"Leather city," said Michelangelo admiringly.

"No, actually," April teased. "Kitty's, the store for the discerning lady biker... It's just around the corner from Leather City." She turned slightly to include the others. "Hey, you know, when you're a celebrity, going incognito isn't so easy, But then, you guys would know all about that." Realizing something, she turned to Donatello again. "Hey, Donny, you got your voice back! You sound like your old self!"

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